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Simple Exercises to Perfect Slim Body

Simple Exercises to Slim Body in 30 Days

Simple Exercises to Slim Body in 30 Days

Pretty slow hitting that snooze button more times than I'd like to admit just standing in the shower waiting until the sleepiness washes away but I decided to challenge myself with his full body workout instead of a lollygagging around in the morning I'd use that wasted time to get toned and just one month later I'm glad I did here's what I've been doing number one squats stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart then bend your knees and slowly lower yourself into an imaginary chair you can even use our wheelchair at first to get the movement down keep your chest open look ahead and don't let your knees go past your toes they should be in line and pointing forward not after the sun stay at the lowest point for a few seconds and then return to the initial position this exercise targets pretty much every muscle in your legs from your calves to your thighs it also hit your glutes and lower back muscles do three set of 12 Reps for this one you can

add wraps as you build up strength or grab a bar weight if you have one put it on your shoulders but make sure to keep it off your neck to avoid injuries number to side plank with leg lift although this exercise may seem a bit hard at first it's super effective for training your abs blutz obliques and outer thigh muscles start bike lying on the floor on your side with one forearm right under your shoulder and your feet together tighten your core and lift your hips off the floor so that your body makes a straight line from head to feet you can also prop yourself not on your elbow but on your straighten arm it'll just require more balancing skills anyway lift her upper leg in the air only for a couple of seconds and then lower back down to 15 reps then switch sides and do 15 on your other leg and a complete three sets on each leg with one tail number three Plank with knee to Elbow get into the plank position with your arm straight and placed directly under your shoulders tighten your core and keep your back straight from head to toe remember that your head should be in line with your neck a good trick is to pick a spot on the floor or your phone and keep your eyes focused on it pull your right knee up toward your right elbow straighten it back out without letting it rest on the floor again and then go right back up to that elbow do three sets of 12 reps on each side for the ultimate core sculpting exercise number for via UPS lie flat on the floor on your back with your arms stretched over your head contract your core and abdominal muscles to slowly lift your legs and upper body off the floor your torso and legs should make well a Vishay you can also try to touch your toes when you're in this peak position hold it for 2 seconds and then slowly lower back down this is a pretty tough exercise but try to do three sets of 12 with 30-second breaks between sets remember to breathe deeply while doing this exercise because holding your breath will do you more harm than good with each new day try to stay in the v position for a bit longer overtime. Strengthen and find your lower and upper abs improve your balance and core stability and train your lower back muscles number five reverse leg raises start by getting on all fours lift your right leg to form a straight line from your head to your toes stay in this position for a

Simple Exercises to Perfect Slim Body 

couple of seconds then lower your knee back to the floor new 15 wraps with your right leg and then repeat the same with the left one try to complete three sets on each leg and remember that your kids should be facing the floor throughout the whole exercise that way you'll get the most out of it that is strengthened and Define glutes quads abs and especially those hamstrings number six donkey kicks we got the same starting position for this exercise to all fours on the floor lift your right leg but this time keep your knee bent at 90 degree angle hold this position for a few seconds making sure your upper thigh is parallel to the floor and then lower your leg down keep your hips facing the floor for this one to again three sets of 15 on each leg will do the track donkey kicks Target some of the same muscle groups as reverse leg raises your glutes hamstrings thighs and lower back as well as your core and arm muscles hip raises lie down on your back on the floor with your legs bent at the knee and your arms down by your sides raise your hips in the air by squeezing your glutes and core muscles so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders stay in this position for a couple of seconds then lower yourself back down without touching your bum to the floor you'll go straight up and your neck strap again three sets of 15 every single day will have you looking in the mirror and seeing stronger more tone glutes hamstrings abs and lower back muscles within a month 8 wall push-ups and to wrap it all up here's the last exercise I do in my morning workout get into a push-up position against the wall with your hands shoulder-width apart from each other while keeping your arms bed step away from the wall until you're leaning against it at about a 30 degree angle keep your whole body straight and your glutes legs and core muscles engaged straighten your arms and push yourself away from the wall to an almost upright position then bend your elbows again and slowly lower yourself back toward the control your movements so that you don't face plant right into the wall do three sets of 15 and build on those as you gain strength or if you want to challenge yourself more move your feet further from the wall and the exercise will immediately get harder this entire workout doesn't take much time and the best part is that it involves the most important muscle groups without the need for any special equipment if you keep at it every day you'll start seeing results in a month. But if you're still looking for some extra motivation here are a few of my best tips and tricks when it comes to exercising at home first and foremost exercise in

the morning by the evening most people are usually too tired after a long work or school day to make an effort to work out or even just move around plus if you do it in the morning it'll help wake you up and you'll feel energized for the whole day take it from me it's a lot more effective than smashing the snooze button or a long shower if you're new to the whole exercising thing or it's been awhile start with fewer reps and slightly increase the intensity of your workout everyday even though you don't really need to go to the gym and you can totally do the routine in your pajamas still get yourself a cool workout outfit I swear just being in gym clothes motivates me to exercise always keep your gym bag at your side like in your office or car who knows when you might have an opportunity for a quick workout keep building on your routine and try to include some cardio that mobile gym bag really comes in handy when you want to go for a jog after work you can also start including weight or get a resistance band for an add a challenge donkey kicks with an exercise band or a whole other ballgame did you can't seem to find time to dedicate to a full-on workout include some Fitness in your day-to-day

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