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Diet Healthy Eating

Diet Healthy Eating

actually pretty complex so I thought it would just focus on what I'd say if you and I sat down in the clinic by wondering what we're shooting for weight loss less over eating healthy eating a longer better life then stick with the big picture I just one behavior and a healthy Cascade exercising regularly leads to better Stress Management to better food decisions two more energy restaurant disease and so on if it's weight loss you're after that's easy conceptually don't eat as much in and move more the problem is is not so easy keeping up this energy balance in the real world and industrialized countries we are surrounded by a limitless Supply app inexpensive tasty supersize high calorie food the other side of the energy balance equation is activity has also changes Our Generation has a severe case of hitting disease nightly TV commute spectacular  games moving sidewalks and most of us now we're sitting all these workers are culture pushes as towards the easy button instead of making our days harder on the other other side of the equation I think it's important to remember that eating is Grand Food brings together her family's bills communities and gives us Health okay so let's start with the question I most often get about eating what's

the best diet for losing weight I'm not surprised people are confused while you're watching this  there's probably a pop-up window from the diet industry telling you about a diet of a detox or superfood not to mention the Hollywood star that just started that diet no research has shown convincingly that one commercial diet trumps all the rest the only thing that predicted success and head hedgehog how well you stuck to whichever. You pick to reframe that's our society lurches from Daya to diet looking for some magic formula but but it's not the formula as much as the powder instead of obsessing about the exact composition of a diet the science tells us to choose the one you like the best and can actually stick to a Cochrane meta-analysis in 2015 looking at what bump the success of commercial weight loss diet showed it wasn't less carbs or or Fat Boys more structure and more in person social support really died so just food rules that influence our pattern of eating her with the economist call a commitment device with self-aware people do to improve their chances of controlling future irrational or or impulsive behavior instead of autopilot you follow food will that not just you to work certain evening decisions mostly less over eating each commercial die has their own magic formula of what we call macronutrients so low carb high protein low fat sugar and so on and they typically have a story to go with it so he can eat like a caveman or or use the scoring system words pre-packaged or famous doctors take her or whatever and I suppose my two messages with micronutrients are one I think we spent too much time and energy focusing on them and to it is really more about quality than quantity low carb well cards to be healthy and their complex form fruits veggies legumes whole grains and not so healthy and they're simple form like free sugars and and refined starches you know let's face it carves tastes awesome and in our

society tends to overeat them so people who restrict their intake tend to lose weight however when we study relative weight loss outcomes 2014 systematic review by dr. Celeste now and colleagues look at Waitin and cardiovascular markers about rich people on low-carb diets that were followed for up to two years and they found no difference compared to balance weight loss diets so how about lowering sugar well try to pick one word to describe sugar and industrialized societies it would be sneaky so so much sugar has worked its way into our diet send mean many drinks have a dorm or teaspoons of sugar the average American intake is approximately 20 teaspoons of sugar a day murrin teenagers and unless in Canada it's the obvious weeds but it's also Foods we think of as healthy so cereals and granola bars and fruit juices when high sugar contributes to excess calories that is when we seem to get into trouble what interesting caveat is it is it when I diagnose patients with prediabetes the first thing they do is drop sugar from your diet when we look at the diabetes prevention trials it was nice about sugar restriction and more about the healthy Cascade of being active half hour day 5 to 7% weight loss eating less saturated fats and eating more fiber that reduce risk of progression 2 Diabetes by 58% how about low-fat well I think our stories changed on fat from all bad to again more of a continuum he'll be trans fat so fried fast food many package baked goods not so good and we're reducing these your saturated fats will see in Darien and red meat and plant oils like coconut a fishing knot tool go to XS but okay in moderation then we have your monounsaturated fats or or move them diet with your discussion a second is pretty high and move Faso avocados Nazis olive oil dark chocolate and shows health benefits do we have proof is so these are the longer chain fats found in oily fish has early trial showed some reduction cardiac offense or recent trials not too enthusiastic meta-analysis still show me some small benefit no harm so the suggestion is at least two servings a week people seem to do better when they replace saturated fats with mufa and pufa fat high protein diets for Quality than quantity protein can come in different packages with different health effects oh say comparing a high-salt ham steak versus a mistake or or lentils are a handful of almonds most data points that if you eat healthy protein white needs not being selfish you do better especially if it has spread throughout the day perhaps most importantly a breakfast they're also some Diet showing good results in people with

the Z so the DASH diet dropping high blood pressure by 5 to 11 mm of mercury or or low glycemic index diet dropping A1C the measurement for blood sugar over time people with diabetes 5.5 percentage points many of our patients have high cholesterol and dr. David Jenkins and his colleagues here at the University of Toronto has shown that can reduce cholesterol by 35% with the portfolio diet the data for vegetarianism has largely come from Culvert studies and Nelson randomized trial showing that people do better it's hard not to conclude that a diet rich in plant-based unprocessed Foods is a Smart Diet no course many people make the excellent point that the burden on our planet is is less with a vegetarian or vegan or local diets to think about all this is to reflect on Brazil's new dietary guidelines from focusing on the perfect macronutrient mixed words more appreciation of food stepping back a bit to see you know we're fine worlds are processed foods and packaged foods that can be eaten anywhere and that maybe there's an opportunity for healthier eating and better Relationships by courage and create emails with your family and friends okay if there's no magic formula is there a diet that actually does work I think the answer is yes the diet is more about culture and a small behaviors a diet not focused on weight loss but I'm healthy outcomes like less cancer or heart disease dementia no longer life the guy with the most robust evidence is a Mediterranean diet I said food rolls or or absolute this is more about moderation Less meat or veggies fruit for dessert and shopping at the market or or at least at the outer Isles of a grocery store. The process food for sale in the inner Isles really it's more of a lifestyle traditional includes lots of physical activity regular meals are good social support discontinue the ship from diets to healthy behaviors that affect a reading by look at the national weight control registry then WCR administers annual questionnaires to more than 10,000 people more women than men who have lost quite a bit of weight and kept it off for more than a year but surprisingly 98% said they modified their food intake in some way and a 94% increase their activity levels but there wasn't one formula most restricted some food some kind of calories is a tall Foods just limited their quantities 70% eat breakfast every day the majority watch less than 10 hours of TV a native just

three times a week and these people generate seated the prescribed half hour day of activity average in an hour day mostly walking nearly all registry members indicate that weight loss led to improvements in their level of energy physical Mobility General mood self-confidence and physical health feedback loops in important is one thing but it seems like the trick your part at least for about 80% of us is keeping it off weighing yourself and using this is a small nudge in your daily food decisions is an example 75% of nwcr subjects weigh themselves weekly 36% daily and then look at this more closely at the soccer game trial wear daily self when was associated with a decreased risk of regaining 2.3 kg mg or 5 pounds on average another feedback Dodges a food diary you just for a week and he's here now with apps patients find us so simple they don't do it but let's see what you've eaten can actually double your weight loss so I think awareness is under shoulder and maybe what you're eating or or weighing but tell us about knowing that life is messy and and to enjoy it we need some flexibility or that you simply feel better when you eat better that's why I like the idea of starting with small changes are or as I call them 2 weeks maybe switch something you do a lot so for example eating breakfast snack and drinking you can switch your average cereal for some oatmeal or Shredded Wheat handful of almonds instead of a bag of chips switch three of your color drinks a day to water but the doctor makes Richie rude diet might actually chip away at a pound a week or or better yet might make you feel better another angle is adding and she dr. Sherry pagoto in college randomize metabolically at-risk individuals to either a multi-faceted American Heart Association diet versus a simpler advice of just increasing fiber 230g throughout the day so getting on the bandwagon a trip to Beantown berry picking both replies to a t h e group slightly more and both improve cardiovascular markers I like this idea pushing healthier food rather just restricting or or fetching off other food other data shown satiety are feeling of being full is not just about calories calories should come from proteins and and fibers actually can make us feel more full another angle is social support which could actually help are eating behaviors another study where people are either going it alone versus having three or more friends or family members

supporting them maintaining weight loss at 10 months jump from 24 to 66% on the subject of support having a dietician just online helps it like a Genius bar for your reading activity is interesting to contact People when they have obesity live longer than skinny set and Terry's to a my patients tell me there are active but have been unsuccessful at Weight Loss shrug my shoulders and save actually you have been successful your active calories through diet but I think it's important to know that the research shows that people of exercise have more success at maintaining their weight my final two points about healthy eating focus on this long-term play an attitude as restricted try to prove it hard to sustain returning from the individual to what surrounds the individual changing air to make it easier to make the right choice after day be called this redesign Choice architecture and involves two types of what I call quote Niger awareness first is knowing that our world is full of triggers towards and healthier overeating convenience shiny Foods at the counter supersizing marketing as dr. Brian wansink points out because we're hungry check please and weariness what not just you personally we are creatures of habit would do the same thing every week in each of us has Q's certain foods pastries at the coffee counter a Time 11th 3 or 10 a predictable stressor is wanting says the option to hear is to re-engineer small behaviors that move you from mindless overeating to Mindless battery in your kitchen on the counter there are much more likely to Beach Painters and not eating for the bag or simple nudges to reduce mindless eating himself knowledge are you a nighttime Nibbler or an emotional eater by change that the grocery store I know it's pathetic I should cut fruits myself but why does healthy eating habits for me when I buy pre-cut fruit and just like I might tell if smoke or not to have cigarettes in the house I also don't buy Super sour to do because I can't stop eating those things behavior is more of an attitude 80/20 so I am and you should be thrilled having a piece of dark chocolate a good me a load some pie rid of this for the long term so I'm not looking for Perfection I'm looking for consistency Tony and I hope I brought you think a bit differently about how you eat instead of investing in a single diet a portfolio behaviors small tweaks over big changes single-ingredient Foods / multi ingredient in processed foods dinner at home self-awareness the penniless on constant willpower more and tweaking your week to make mindless healthy eating more likely my final point is more about health at every size and you know I I get the people want weight loss and obesity is a risk factor for disease but honestly if my patients can work with their factory settings to be more mindful of the reading for the more self-love start thinking more about what's healthy to eat rather than what not to eat and be happy so maybe now's the time to start your very own better life experiment thanks for listening

the Best Diet Healthy Eating

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