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key to creating healthy diet how eat

key to creating healthy diet how eat

I'm sure almost every one of us wants a diet that makes sense when there is both healthy kisses fit and energized but also diet that is easy to maintain and doesn't take up too much time when it is simple healthy quick and easy it might sound like Mission Impossible when we picture that diet that will keep us happy healthy and fit it's easy to think of soaking beans cementing cabbage slow cooking some kind of stew or baking it on flexing read all good things so complicated and time-consuming I mean I really love to cook and even I can find a time or energy for heavy duty cooking in my everyday life now I'm not sure how it was for you as a kid but amend a home cooked meal on the table every dinner and almost every night it was something fresh of the stove should we had the leftovers or something in process directly from a package once in awhile but mostly people cook everyday I find it's a bit strange from an efficiency of a I mean it's not like parents to young children are the well rested and energized people usually likely there is an easy way to do this let's simplify our diets master style first things first we cancel simplifying

The Simple Diet how eat

if we don't know what we like or diet and preferences is key to creating healthy diet that we will stick with because if we don't love the taste of what rating we're not going to keep on eating it go through all the fruits and veggies and greens and beans and stuff in your food shop and find out which your favorites are no point in keeping veggies in the fridge that you not can I try to find something from all different groups of plants that you really likes to keep your diet virut like at least one type of cabbage one type of berry one type of nuts and one type of onion and sew on now they know what you like it's time to get rid of the rest I feel like I'm much less inclined to cook and eat something from home where my pantry and fridge or a mess I don't want to have to crawl through the hop dancing he needs an expired couscous to find something nice to cook what a my kitchen is organized and meet with everything clearly visible and with only ingredients that I know that I will use it so much more fun to cook and stay healthy I mean when was the last time you use the dried rosemary anyway I'm alright and most important they don't keep anything in your cupboard that you don't want in your own body if you don't want to eat unhealthy food stamps don't bring them into because if you have it around you know you sooner or later it it yesterday in no type of cooking is more time efficient than not cooking at all shopping fruits and veggies that you can eat raw is a hell of a quick way to get some epic nutrition in your body also if you're not a big fan of veggies usually I will recommend trying to eat your veggies raw or very likely cooked things like asparagus and broccoli or cauliflower peppers and even cabbage is too bloody delicious raw if you ask me it's so much tastier than the overcooked the mushy slopes of veggies that is used to serve in school that's for sure too much point of having a pressure cooker if you don't pressure cook or a sandwich Grill if you don't sandwich with what we know what type of fluid want to be eating it's easy to find the right equipment for it my favorite food in

the Staples of Mind diet are porridge soups and stews salads and rice dishes for this I need a very good night for all the shopping and I also use my super good blender and lovely. From time to time from those I just need a crazy big pot for cooking big batches and that's more like it. It's but really good ones will make your cooking easier and more fun now back to the whole thing about getting married with a different dish for dinner every night it complicates things because you have to cook every day you have to have ingredients at home for all those different kinds of vicious and you have to plan and think about your diet so much more or less the same thing every day of every week of every month I'll make sure to still keep a very diet is that I included I need different veggies or fruits into those dishes as possible whenever he's very nutrient-dense you don't have to think too much about cooking so many different types of meals and let me tell you it's so nice for my brain to not have the company new things to cook every night I have my staple five or six different dishes and that's more than enough to keep me Happy Meal prepping can be such a big help especially if you want to do things that take a long time to cook like brown rice or home cooked beans into your diet sprinkle some fruit and nuts on there and it's like the site o and don't forget the bitter almond extract you bloody good for this if you want to try Yourself by the way check the description finally and super important if you ask me find an easy simple snack for those hungry, I'm tired of cranky and just need something yummy in our tummies Pronto so we have that pink Frosty rainbow sprinkle donut or the shopping list sweet Starbucks frappuccino whatever or maybe they should post a chili cheese fries are more your poison either way it ain't pretty whenever I'm out for more than like an hour or so I always pack a snack nothing I need to prepare anything but super simple like nuts dates bananas or corn crackers or something that will feel me and give me energy until the next Muse and keep me away from those of deep fried sugar things that would only give me a sugar rush and then make me crash and burn Harps in the Raptor know better than that you like and be prepared to take care of that body of yours and keep you from spending too much time and it ended eating healthy food that it's delicious and fulfilling and easy to prepare is possible I promise you I mean

I could have loved my diet anymore than I do it so good for my taste buds and for keeping my body in good shape and I don't spend forever in the kitchen cooking it's all about keeping it simple easy migraines and not buying a bunch of stuff I don't know when I leave use clean and smart and focused that's the way I like my diet and everything else in life to what about you guys I want to hear all about your current diet are you happy with it or what would you like to change are you feeling energized and 5th and happy or are you may be coming up on Sugar Rush right at this moment deliberating whether to grab a chocolate bar that you have in your fridge either way I'm sending lots of love and support I always loved and I can't wait to read your stories down in the comics a big thank you to my lovely sponsor skyspace if anyone out that wants to create a beautiful Food and Health long for example you should definitely do it with white night whenever someone asked me about getting a blow or side or online store I always recommend them especially if you want something simple to handle

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keto meal prep Burn Fat Lose Weight

keto meal prep Burn Fat Lose Weight

about doing keto meal prep also worked with many people who have done a keto meal prep and just had great success with it so you're interested in following a keto meal prep ideas recommend this Article because it's my Article because great I think some of the best Articles on  I'm also doing the  like I have done for a few other Articles or it's a printout got all the groceries of cooking utensils the cooking instructions the macro breakdown when to eat the meals so it will cost just a few dollars but these meal preps when I do that print out and all that type of stuff I think it really helps I mean I like the print out so when I go to the grocery store list easier but yeah it just takes so much longer you have to charge kind of for it but all the instructions and all that type of stuff you know if you could just watch this Article and you could do it but again if you want the  Port me doing more of these Articles but you really helps and I really appreciate it see the link in description and I really appreciate it but enough with that let's get into this meal prep start with the groceries we're going to get into the prep and we will wrap it up but packaging meals check it out I hope you guys enjoy alright this meal prep is going to be slightly different than all my other meal preps because of your guyses wonderful comments and feedback I think I've got something you really going to like his actual going to be two variations of the meal plan you could follow one of

my plans is going to be around 22 to 2300 calories and that's what you're going to see in this Article and the other meal plan is going to be about 1600 to 1700 calories the groceries the cooking instructions all that are essentially the same for both plans except when you when it comes to weighing out the food the measurements were very slightly and don't worry when it comes to hang out the food I will put indicators on the screen so you know exactly how much to put in each container weigh out for each item to follow the plan that you would like now that we have that out of the way so let's start cooking so I'm going to fill the sink up with cool water just enough to cover the salmon so I can thaw them out cuz they are frozen they need to thaw and it should only take about an hour or two so while those are thawing I'm going to start prepping the vegetables so I got my cutting board start rinsing and then dicing up some of the best of all is that are going to be in this meal plan and if you would like to choose or pick other vegetables you're more than welcome to do so same with like spices and things like that route to this meal prep I generally like to keep it simple with a lot of my recipes specially when making items in bulk are making food in bulk because if I add a certain spice or a certain marinade you're going to be in the same meal with the same flavor and with the same seasoning on it every day throughout the week whereas if you just use very simple seasonings salt pepper maybe something else you would like something simple then when it comes time to eat the meal or reheat the mail and I know I'm getting ahead of myself but you can then add additional spices sauces marinades which can completely change them keep that in mind when you when you make these types of meals and you notice why I'm making them so simple it's because later I can change up the mules flavoring which then gives me a little bit more variety just wanted to share that little tip but anyways now I'm actually cutting up a red onion and this red onion is going to be used in the taco salad and I'm really just trying to dye sits up into smaller bite-sized pieces and then I'm going to move on to the next vegetable is cutting board is really nice because I had to look like pull out compartment so I can just cut it swipe it in that little poor compartment change the compartment up and keep it moving I'll put a link to this cutting board in the description as well as they'll be a link of you know all the cooking utensils to get his stuff like that in the  that you can get but I moved on to the asparagus just cut the tips off of it and again that sounds good I'm just swapping out there again real quick moving on to the next vegetable we got some Tomatoes here and I think what I'm going to do is shut this voice over down for right now while I got these vegetables up because that's all I'm doing is cutting the best if you guys can see it plus I'll probably just start to ramble while I cut these up and nobody wants to listen to that so yeah just check out these vegetables be a set up how I'm kind of doing it

Simple Keto Meal Plan Burn Fat Lose Weight

And I'm back just as I'm finishing up the broccoli but after the broccoli I'm moving on to the spinach here and I'm going to rinse it and then when I'm going to want to do is let the spinach dry out so I'm going to get some paper towels Leo I'm out trying to separate him a little bit what I want to do is let them dry out so that's why I have paper towels I'm kind of spreading them around is I want to give these time to dry before I start to cook with them and we're not just going to stand around and watch them dry out like watching paint dry we're not going to do that we're going to move on so I'm moving on to the vacant so I have these foil baking sheets you could just use a regular cooking sheet if you would like as well and you just want to separate the baking onto the baking sheets free the oven to 375° wants it at 375 degrees bake them for about 20 to 25 minutes for some crispy bacon I like that crispy bacon I don't want no soggy big nose ring don't bring up soggy bacon around here you want to crisp it up if you want to talk you can cook it 20-25 minutes and then I'm going to move on to just getting the broccoli and I'm going to get some extra virgin olive oil when we get there so I'm going to get some pepper and since the oven is preheated to 375° I can then just pop these right in the oven so a lot of times when I prep I kind of do it in a certain way that I can maximize my time I guess or get the most done in at least amount of time so the asparagus is going to cook for the same amount of time as a broccoli so I'm going to put this in the oven the same time I put the broccoli in the oven again extra virgin olive oil salt pepper and yes I am counting the salt and pepper into all of them or not song olive oil into all the macros and those are going to bake for about 14 to 18 minutes and then I'm going to want to the ground beef I got a little bit fatty or ground beef 85/15 because of gun it is keto so that is important to stay in ketosis so we didn't need to get that lean beef can you just fattier beef which is is organic and it tastes pretty good and for seasoning I decided to go with this Weber Chicago steak seasoning I think it tastes really good with the taco salad so that's why I decided to go with it instead of just using basic salt and pepper but that's going to cook for about 10 to 12 minutes and just want to make sure there's no pink on medial pink and any of the pieces when you're at when it's done and I'm going to strain it but instead of straining it right down the drain I'm going to strain it into that little bowl because you want to pour grease right down the train and I want to move on to the stakes so I'm going to use some butter for the stakes this for sure Irish butter you could get a different kind of Butterfield like but I really didn't like this but I think he has a good flavor to it and pretty simple ingredients in the butter and I'm just going to see it with some salt and pepper and it's only going to cook for about 2 to 3 minutes per side and as this Cooks I'm going to get a cookie right there and I'm just going to put some tinfoil on it I used tin foil and sometimes I use like foil roaster pans it just helps speed up clean up time I don't have to clean up as much stuff washing my dishes which is always good but after about 2 or 3 minutes I'm going to have a nice little steer

on this side and then I'm going to let the other side cook for a minute or two minutes or 2 3 minutes and then I'm going to take them off and I'm going to actually then throw them into the oven I love to kind of steer them on the stove and then bake them in the oven and I'm just got thrown in at 375 degrees and just cook them for about 5 to 10 minutes of depends on how thick the steak is as well as what you would like it how you like it done all right and then I'm going to move on to the salmon now there are many others salmon options that you could have picked and I probably should have went with and would have probably been healthier these are not the healthiest just because of look at all that sauce in there now I do not use all that sauce when I when I bake these so I'm going to have to adjust the macros a little bit because I'm not using all that sauce so I can't count all that sauce into the macro he will be able to see the adjusting macros in the plan and I'm going to bake these at 450° for 12 to 14 minutes and then what you're going to want to do is take the skin off so I'm just dragging a fork kind of right in between the skin and the piece of salmon and things against kind of getting the skin off I don't eat the skin of that I've known people to eat the skin but I don't I don't think it tastes very good I guess you could if you would like and then I'm going to take some of butter and I'm going to put it into a pan get hot I'm going to take some extra virgin olive oil and put it in a different Skillet so one Skillet has Butter the other Skillet hat stretcher virgin olive oil and I'm going to sautee mushrooms and then I'm going to start pay the spinach I'm cooking both the mushrooms and spinach at a medium high heat so this girl that a medium high I'm going to add some salt and some pepper to both and just take a look at this. Look at how much spinach in there because it will shrink down a lot so you'll have a full bag of spinach and it's going to shrink down quite a bit once it's done of spinach is only going to take about 3 to 4 minutes to cook down at a medium high heat and then the mushrooms will take more like 7 to 8 minutes and then I'm going to set the spinach aside and repeat the process so I just added more extra virgin olive oil I'm going to cook the spinach add salt pepper all that good stuff and things are set them aside and then I'm moving on to the egg so the breakfast is going to have eggs so I'm taking for eggs I'm going to crack them in a bowl I'm going to whisk him up and make some scrambled eggs and I'm taking my took some butter and I put it into the skillet and I got this nice and hot medium-high heat and I was going to cook these eggs little bit of salt little bit of pepper and only going to take about 425 minutes and this is actually two servings so for breakfast each breakfast meals going to have two eggs and here in just a second I'm going to explain more what I'm talking about because that's all the cooking we need to do the cooking is done now we need to package up the food and as I promised at the beginning of the Article I want to put the measurements for each meal plan on the screen as to how much you need to weigh out certain items will be the same so just keep that in mind but I hope that help and with the eggs up actually only weighing out two days worth of making two meals of the breakfast because I don't like making eggs for more than a couple of days so that's the only reason I did it this way but at the end of the Article actually show that I have two more containers that just have two eggs in it and have the rest of the food items and again in the  meal plans I lay out all of this you know and I kind of explain certain things as to why I did it the way that sport me do more these Articles I would appreciate it check out the link and Elena get back to more of the voice over of the actual prep so with this cheese this is going to be a difference in each plan so one of the meal plans is getting a fourth of a cup and the other plan is going to get half of that so 1/8 of a cup again but indicated on the screen but I just want to make that clear so

same thing with this taco salad the taco salad for this 2300 calorie plan is going to get about 3.5 to 4 oz of the beef in for the lower-calorie plan it's going to get about 2.8 to 3 oz of the beef the rest of the vegetables stay the same know so the tomatoes going to be the same avocado lettuce in the red onion and that's going to be the same and as I'm doing this let me take some time to kind of go through a couple other things so how I kind of way the food out and calculate Mac so I use MyFitnessPal to calculate the macros and I almost always weigh my food cooked versus Raw so the cooked weight of food versus the raw weight is going to vary a little bit on the you know serving size so I use cooked weights in MyFitnessPal two-factor the macros as well as the calories it would be the best practice I supposed to do everything raw but that means you that the divided out each piece of ground beef in a 4oz and then cook it on its own same with everything else so that can become very tedious but you could always use you know my fitness pal and try to use cooked weights you do have to sometimes verify that the food is accurate because anybody with an account can log in there and create food items and share it with the public so they couldn't really screw you over at Street your Macros up by just adding in random incorrect food items another cool thing about my fitness pal it's actually let you scan in the item on each item of food right you have the barcode and you can use your phone to scan a barcode and MyFitnessPal will pull up the item closest to it then you can also verify the macros that way if you want to follow me on my fitness pal you can do that at water jug Fitness and I believe in you do that it'll actually show you like what I'm eating and stuff but enough of that back to the plant and the cheese is something that's going to bury for each plan right here right so one's getting a fourth of a cup the others getting an eighth of a cup and then I'm just using that lime over the avocado because that helps keep the avocado rash and for the salmon meal I'm doing 3.5 oz of the salmon for one of the meals and the other lower-calorie one would be getting the sub 3 oz of salmon and then for the asparagus I'm going with about eight stalks of asparagus and

then I'm going to weigh out about 3.8 to 4 oz of the steak this Mills also going to have half a cup of broccoli and when it comes to the extra virgin olive oil do I use for cooking as well as the butter used for cooking those are also going to be factored into the day's total of macros that you're going to find in the plan so those are factored in a Nubian you'll see them and I'm moving on to the snacks so is it a full day we're going to we're making all the stuff for the entire day so I need to rinse the vegetable vegetable prints the fruit that I got and surrendered Optimum program bowls you could go with different fruit if you would like I just went with berries because they're typically lower in carbs and they have some Fiber now blueberries are bit higher in the carbs so you could go with a different fruit there maybe just go with blackberries raspberries and strawberries but not a huge deal and I hope the on-screen guide what kind of measurements as to what should be going in each container or being weighed out depending on the plan that you're following is making sense I try to be as clear as possible cuz sometimes I don't talk about each thing wait out but anyways along with fruit another one of the snacks is going to be 32 grams are 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and then 28 grams or 28 almonds I got this lightly salted almonds and that's basically it now there were a couple items not shown like a cheese stick some almond milk that also go into like snacks MCT oil which is really helpful for following a keto meal prep is taking MCT oil and then a protein shake so I still like to have a protein shake after a workout to refuel so I have that as well that is going to all be allayed out Day by Day meal by meal in that  meal plan and the description but you also see it here just a few seconds it would actually going to wrap up this meal plan I really hope you guys find it helpful

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Healthy Tips Cleanse Detox Fasting for Health Weight Loss Diet Nutrition

Healthy Tips Cleanse Detox Fasting for Health Weight Loss Diet Nutrition

Unhealthy Foods today I'm going to countdown my top 10 tips about cleansing detoxing and fasting to give you some good realistic ideas on how you can clean up your diet first thing to know is that your body is always detoxifying as long as you aren't overwhelming your body with toxins so the first thing that we want to do if we're wanting to cleanse and detox and assist our body in that process is to limit the number of toxins are putting into our body so things like alcohol caffeine sugar any kind of refined food processed food any kind of junk food all of those things are going to have a lot of toxicity so if you can just take those things out of your diet and focus on eating real natural food then that is a huge step just right there and you're not having to significantly cut your caloric intake the second thing you can start to do is drink more water and I talked a lot about drinking water so maybe you've already started doing that in that case then you can start drinking lemon water or apple cider sugar in water and especially if you do this first thing in the morning this is a really great way to get your body detoxifying and it's also alkalizing to your body so drinking lemon water in the morning is actually in ayurvedic practice but again it has this kind of double benefit of also helping to detoxify and alkalize

Healthy Tips Cleanse Detox Weight Loss Diet Nutrition

I kind of like to alternate using apple cider vinegar and using lemon with both of these are really good habits to start adding into your daily routine so once you've gotten number 1 and number 2 which is eliminating the toxic food and drinking more water in the next thing you want to start doing is eating more detoxifying food basically that's your fruits and vegetables so I would recommend going to the grocery store get yourself a bag of celery a bag of carrots a bag of spinach as many vegetables as you can see yourself eating and just make a commitment to yourself to eat those vegetables in place of snacks or candy or whatever other thing you might be eating and just kind of give yourself the challenge of eating as much of those vegetables as he can and it short of a span of time as possible with that helps you or spread it out over the course of the week the idea is to increase your intake of these detoxifying vegetables if you want to go a step further you can actually enjoy green smoothies or green juices which will also be highly detoxify but the main point of this trip is just to eat more vegetables now there are a lot of different cleanse and detox products out there and some of these products are healthy if some of these products are what I might say kind of a scam but the main reason that any kind of weight loss or cleanse product is helpful is because it is a commitment that we make to ourselves so when we click that little button or we spend some money to order some kind of product we feel like we're making a tangible commitment to ourselves does this tip is to actually save your money on products and cleanses and different stuff like that and spend it on healthy foods like the ones I've mentioned before it's a give yourself a tangible commitment write down what you're going to do and so pick how many days you want to do if you have one day then do one day if you want to do it three days to do three days the whole idea is to pick something if it's realistic for you I know you can always go longer but take your minimum commitment and write it down and then write down

you can see her in three day cleanse and write down what you're going to do so no caffeine no sugar maybe it's no alcohol maybe it's I'm going to drink a green juice every day you pick your cleanse you get to design it yourself and then write it down put it in the stone maybe write it down a couple times but one on your fridge one on your car one at work on your desk maybe one inside your fridge and just know that this is your tangible commitment to yourself know that any kind of weight loss product or whatever it's not the product that's helping you lose weight it's you and your commitment to yourself so doing something like this writing it down talking about it to a friend leave it in the comments write it down make your commitment to yourself and know that you are the one who's responsible for your help your weight loss and your general health and happiness if you are stressing yourself out over your detail or your diet or whatever it may be then realize that stress kind of defeats the whole purpose of what you're doing so when we want our body to be better at detoxifying we want to try and cleanse bad things out of our body then stress is going to be one of the many things that actually kind of acts like toxicity in itself so when we get really stressed out and we have a lot of the stress hormone cortisol pumping through our veins it makes our digestive Wellness less effective and less efficient and make a ramune system less efficient are energy levels are mood and our ability to detox and detoxify are actually going to suffer so if you are wanting to improve your body's ability to detox then making an effort to relieve stress is really really important so just making some time to have some down time or watch a relaxing article a meditation maybe do some yoga anything that was going to give you a chance to calm down and breathe deeply to maybe be more aware of your surroundings you just walk outside or get some fresh air all of those things are going to and then you just need to make a conscious effort to recognize what stresses you out when you're getting the most stressed out and try to avoid their situation because if you're really stressed out kind of defeating the Super Bowl before I move onto fasting and cleansing I want to make one more know about our physical body so this one is about exercise and you need to realize the exercise is one of the primary ways that the body detoxifies itself so getting exercise getting your body sweating this is going to be really important for cleansing intoxifying another thing to realize is that not getting physical activity and itself is pretty stressful on the body so we were talking about wanting to relieve stress one of our body's ability he talk exercise is a really important factor so one of my favorite tips is it if you can't make more time for physical activity and find ways to make

your daily activities more physical or more active like taking the stairs instead of the elevator have you ever been extremely extremely cold and then stuck you're extremely cold hand into extremely hot is boiling water but you can imagine not very pleasant so this tip is about avoiding extreme so you can imagine that if you're eating at the average diet of processed foods and sugar alcohol and caffeine and then all of a sudden you go to no food or maybe you're doing some kind of cleansing Elixir or something like that you can imagine that this is a really extreme and while that extreme change may not necessarily hurt you it's probably not going to be very pleasant self this is why I always recommend small reasonable realistic changes so rather than making some extreme change that you're going to make an extreme change back to the old food as soon as you get done with it we're going to make small changes drinking lemon water is a really good example eating more vegetables is a really good example realize that you don't have to do something really really extreme in order to have extreme benefit in your help and if you give your body more simple changes that are not going to be this abrupt will extreme change then not only is it going to be easier to keep those new habits that you've made but they're also going to be more pleasant overall but let's say that you are committed to doing a fast was doing a cleanse or doing something kind of extreme it's hip I would recommend number one is to really educate yourself about this fast or this cleanse and do as much research as you can to really be prepared going in so you're not going to just read one post that somebody says to eat this and going to eat it I'm going to actually do as much research on you as you can for whatever this program is you're going to do the other thing is to realize that if you guys going from eating 2000 calories a day to eating eating 500 calories a day you can expect to have about a quarter of the energy so if we're going to do something what are caloric intake we need to be able to also make changes in our daily life so have more downtime have less stress maybe this is a time that you're off work for a week you're on vacation for a little while and you just have a little bit more time to veg out really cuz if you're doing a faster cleanse you're going to need some down time and relaxation time you don't want to be running a bunch of errands stressed out with work stressed out with your home life and then kind of do a faster clip on top of it so not trying to discourage you from doing a fast you just need to be realistic with yourself and realistic about how this dietary change is going to affect your wife and what changes you're going to make so that you can actually handle those big dietary another benefit of fasting is it in his are digestive system a break it's like giving your digestive tract a little vacation so we just want to make sure that if we're going to do this we're not going to make these extreme sudden changes we're going to Ethan and he's out and I'll discuss that a little bit more but the idea is that fasting can be very helpful to be very beneficial for our body but again this is an extreme change make that we're making to our diet so extreme changes in her diet or going to require a little bit more preparation and a little bit more planning than something like just eating more vegetables for so expanding on the idea of avoiding these extreme changes from eating one way to graphically eating another way another concept I want to introduce you easy in an easing out of your fast or cleanse so this evening in and out process if your body a chance to adjust to whatever changes you're making so for instance when I get the master cleanse I tried to eat really helping for the couple of weeks leading up to it and then I spent three days eating all raw veggie soups and stuff that were easy to digest a man in 3 days doing just vegetable juices and then 10 days on my master cleanse and then 3 days on the juices free days on the road so we get this idea that you're kind of easing your body in so that your body can adjust and kind of acclimated and you can read a lot more about using in and eating out I read about it on the internet and I actually there's a book on the master cleanse that I read as well so again back to educating ourselves on whatever plan we're going to do and just remember that doing a cleanse or doing a fast is not a quick-fix so if you're just thinking of going to do this cleanser fast and then go back to eating junk then you kind of have your priorities out of balance realize it would actually be a lot better for your body

to make some good sustainable changes that you're going to have for the Long Haul then to just go on this extreme cleanse for a little while and then go back to eating the same Foods in a future article I'm going to discuss some of the different protein powders and meal replacement powders that are on the market I'm going to tell you what to look for and most importantly what to avoid in your protein powders and then another article I'm going to take you into my kitchen and show you some healthy green smoothie and green juice recipe thank you so much for watching this article I really hope that it was helpful to you and I hope that you will give it a thumbs up and even share it if you found it useful he sure to make your commitment to yourself whatever it is you're going to do maybe your commitment is just a drink more water if that's it then so be it okay so you're going to make this little commitment for yourself write it down and leave it in the comments section down below so that we can all kind of going through this together remember that weight loss and getting healthy doesn't come from some products that you it comes from you and you having a commitment to yourself and the confidence in yourself to know that you can do this so that's where this really comes in handy because you're confident your commitment to yourself you should have leave a comment and I look forward to seeing you again for more information about cleansing and detoxing check out my article cleanse and detox tips for some simple guidelines on basic nutrition and what good foods you should be eating check out my article what to eat congratulations you've decided to improve your health improve your happiness but maybe you're looking for some ideas of where to start 10 simple ways to improve your health what are the worst most unhealthy habits out there that are really undermining our health and undermining our happiness 

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Gains and Loses Weight Fit to Fat to Fit

Gains and Loses Weight Fit to Fat to Fit

Dedicating your entire life to Fitness and then Throwing It All Away to help someone else is a weight loss   with a big fat twists JJ the trainer had gained weight a little way before helping Ray try to lose it going to be dating 60lb from where I am right now so that I can better understand and relate to where you're coming from. It's going to be an hour of two men saw that sick he seriously might need to get like a garbage down there by you gain 16 weeks I mean that kennel be good for you no no it's not recommended what is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life I was not prepared for what it did to me mentally and emotionally and it wrecked me in every way Erica is a nutritionist it worse than I am ever pregnant JJ doesn't come with a risk very limited data on the deliberate weight gain and then weight loss of healthy individuals even if it's temporary over a long. Of time we don't know what the cumulative effects of that would be I watched it I was just thinking why is this going to do

How To Lose Weight Fat to Fit

I get a small glimpse and A New Perspective as to the struggles that come from that place that you are in before you start that weight loss process you know I was in a very very dark place for most of that Hunter 20 days four months ago JJ he was freaking rip JJ is in the pudgy Boys Club then they both beat the Bulge together for months of Hell's he could give up on me prove to me that I didn't wait for months am I Mandarin you got this have four months ago raise motivation apart from JJ and the  cameras is a big one set 400 lb with his kids and I want my children to be like I am in awe of them and my dad is I'm not going to do that with basically a food addiction you think most of this was just what it's hardworking exercising at work but bad guy with this I lost a whopping 147 some of those impacts making positive some negative I'm lost in a decent size 2 in a beer again that much that funds can also be dangerous again or gray and the food plan from his wife Erica instead of just sitting around watching  at the end of the night will challenge each other. Max Planck contact okay when you see how long you can stay up your identity is you know the buff guy that was my identity but now I feel like I am so much more than just the buff guy right I feel like I'm more well-rounded and I come from a place of Love rather than a place of judgment on yourself lasting then on my hips that's the only thing that I'm still carrying from from this little Adventure was probably a kid any day now don't think I don't know that I'm that like 13 year old high schooler flexing in the mirror after a er now

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good combination of exercise and diet

good combination of exercise and diet

And while we all know a good combination of exercise and diet is essential which one is more important if you had to choose should you be hitting the gym or eating salads there are many ways you can burn a few hundred calories running for 20 minutes an hour of Surfing or singing your favorite song 23 times in fact we have a whole the article dedicated to weird ways of burning calories but the point is it takes time to burn a significant amount of calories even with strenuous activity not to mention the extra barrier of traveling to the gym and then coming home to clean up now compare this to the number of calories in a chocolate bar which is often over 200 calories you can either walk for about an hour to bring that 200 calories or you could simply not eat that chocolate bar which sounds easier to you how about running for 30 minutes everyday or cutting out those two cans of soda many Physicians point out that there is a lot of high sugar high fat high calorie foods diet to see weight loss results more quickly and study to show that diet does indeed play a bigger role in weight loss than exercise a 2011

Compare Exercise Or Diet

meta-analysis of children found that the level of physical activity was not the main determining factor of their weight and a study of 3000 adults found that minimizing calories was linked to Greater weight loss maintenance than exercise alone for the studies comparing industrialized and developing countries show that the rate of physical activity is fairly similar between the two making activity and exercise an unlikely culprit for obesity rates in the industrial world of course a combination of diet and exercise would yield the best results long-term and exercise has many health benefits Beyond weight loss like slowing the aging process and improving mental health but at the end of the day if you're looking to lose weight you're likely to get more bang for your buck if you focus on your diet

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Diet state of ketosis you start burning fat for fuel

Diet state of ketosis you start burning fat for fuel

way of eating when you hack your body into a state of ketosis you start burning fat for fuel and I'm doing my trainer Drew Manning who swears by theodosius I just give an example of a few years ago Drew games 75 lb there is to understand what it meant to be overweight switch to relate to his clients that way did he lost in 6 months all that way and he is being paid it true a ketogenic lifestyle put over talking about today so I'm going to break it down so we can order some representation here explained to me how this work so you want to make sure you get enough fat and so 75 to 80% of your total calories should come from fat that's what's the oldest better here fifteen ten to fifteen percent should come from protein and about 5% from carbs is low and loaded up with that someone that has everything is fat which is only about 20% more protein and less fat

You Should Eat on the Ketosis Diet

cuz if you eat too much protein actually kick you out of ketosis through a process called gluconeogenesis so eat too much protein will kick you out of ketosis and it'll the protein to glucose that's your allies in the more fat you eat the less sugar you going to have in your body no matter what your body tries to do exactly what happens if you have some really healthy colorful vegetables that happen to have a little carbohydrate in types of vegetables like sweet potatoes yams Periscope who lived it starts here and the higher in carbs you definitely got to make sure I keep those carbs low otherwise it'll kick you out of ketosis spend my day taking people chest opening with a bandsaw getting in there too to pull us up it looks like this so I used to think that way as well a lot of us have thought that way for a long. Of time but look at those a lot of the new research it shows when you eat these good quality fats without the presence of refined sugars and price of carbohydrates it actually forces your but it seems that fat for fuel instead of storing in the body and clogging your arteries coconut oil coconut avocado avocado oil things like a fat are Meats bacon salmon better cuts of beef even so so real hold versions but not at all from hydrogenated oil trans-fast Lot of saturated fat Stay away from still so bacon ranch pasta right now your body will then begin to burn the fact that you have on it it has to go choice and that's what your family 1 2 3 4 5 6 it is hard to explain a little bit about the size as what about what's getting you thinking about doing this take it all day you know I have been diet shakes I tried to carb I exercise regularly and nothing's working so I'm really excited to see what this can do for me

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the way you eat you can change the way you exercise Lose Weight

the way you eat you can change the way you exercise Lose Weight
Lose Weight How to Get More Energy

Interesting concept it's been discussed the best collagen production in your skin so you actually look the process and then the question is what do you do to speed it up you have answers on the way you eat you can change the way you exercise the way you sleep even your natural beauty routine that's Ideas that we touch. The first is intermittent fasting and a second is protein cycling each of these actually work together don't be intimidated cuz you heard the first of all intermittent fasting what is that so intermittent fasting is a lot of your audience has heard about so you going to do it for the 3 non consecutive days out of the week so what that means is 416 hours you will not be eating so I ate at night you're going to stop eating and you'll go through let me show you yes so 8 you stop eating and you'll go through the night you'll sleep when you wake up in the morning you're not going to start eating you wait until noon and then you've got your 8 hours to eat so you can have whatever you want to eat during those eight hours dinner lunch and that's how it Works global then 5 grams of protein and that's very easy to do as well yeah this is a soup butternut squash soup or this is a taco salad and beets both have low protein on Monday you can have a high day which is completely unrestricted right on time say you'll do your intermittent fasting and your protein cycle that's a low day and it goes back and forth throughout the week that which you have it on which you don't have it on a program it so I love the benefits that energy and mental focus the weight loss

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How to diets Calorie restriction How to eat

How to diets Calorie restriction How to eat
How to Popular diets Calorie restriction

Popular diets out there so we thought we create a simple article investigating which ones are scientifically sound and actually work from the outside it seems like a simple equation your weight is determined by the balance between the calories you take in and the calories you burn by changing what you eat or your activity level you can tip this equation to Ward's weight gain or loss which brings us to our first category of diets calorie restriction companies like Weight Watchers clean you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay below a prescribed number of daily calories getting all your calories from junk food is technically allowed but from a health perspective it's important to think about the nutritional value of the foods to if you don't you risk our problems nutrient deficiencies and chronic health issues calorie restriction with optimal nutrition or cron diet generally reduce their caloric intake by 20% daily nutritional requirements for example instead of having a whole Apple a konditor might just have the apple skin which contains most of the nutrients if used properly and not excessively cow striction can be a safe and effective tool for weight loss next up is carb restriction many diets like the South Beach Atkins or Zone Diet suggest that carbs are the enemy of the Fit Body you've always dreamed of the ideology claims that when more carbs are taking in them burned off the liver converts them into fat but for most healthy reasonably active people carbs are broken down to glucose and transported to the cells for energy very little is actually turned into fat in response to excessive glucose the body uses insulin to turn it into glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscles this glycogen May later be broken down in times of low glucose to reach you all the potty but the type of carbs you eat do matter those from simple sugars like honey fruit or sugar are more readily turned into triglycerides or fat then complex carbs veggies if you consistently eat way more than necessary and most calories are from simple carbs than these will be converted to fat low carb diets off and have extreme restriction at first no starches bread or pasta and no sugars including from fruits or even alcohol this can lead to some intense side effects including constipation dry mouth bad breath fatigue dizziness and nausea in studies carb restriction dieters tend to lose weight faster initially compared to those simple using calorie restriction but this is likely due to water loss which returns and later phases when you're encouraged to eat normally again this Atkins diet

for example promotes caloric intake from high-fat and high-protein sources which means Meats cheeses cream butter and losing weight sounds pretty good right but many Doctors show concerns over the high intake of saturated fat that it may lead to more bad cholesterol and therefore an increased risk of heart disease some claim these diets are dangerous and unhealthy given that they promote the limitation of foods like carrots sweet potatoes are apples that provide the body with important micronutrients and vitamins instead of people require supplements which the body is not able to absorb as effectively as vitamins minerals and micronutrients Whole Foods then there are high protein diets the main principle is that protein-rich foods are not as easily broken down by the body and take more energy to digest than carbridge food this means you won't feel hungry again as quickly and you're more likely to run a caloric deficit then if you ate the same number of calories from carbs the paleo diet for example suggests that 10,000 years ago agriculture was introduced and the human diet change from hunter-gatherer is eating primarily meet wild fruits veggies and nuts to diets containing more grains and as a result some believe the human body isn't designed to digest food processed foods like Dairy and Fred some also believe that grains leads to inflammation related health problems but this is largely on true except in the case of people with celiac disease but because of its straightforward guidelines find it easy to follow and it does promote more nutrient absorption however as paleo cuts out all grains and legumes we lose an important source of dietary fiber necessary to keep our bowels running smoothly ancient the high protein leads to nitrogen production meeting stinky farts add to that constipation which allows your digested material to sit longer in the large intestine and continuing to decompose and even smell your farts there's another class of diets we might call that just stop eating diets that was looking to get SlimQuick might be tempted to only eat cabbage soup for 7 days or do the master cleanse diet which only allows salt water in the morning and a concoction of water maple syrup lemon and cayenne pepper through the day and the laxative tea at night

but these guys are exceptionally unhealthy not only is most of your weight loss from water weight but there are many side effects such as dizziness fatigue dehydration and nausea the master cleanse can even lead to a white tongue which some claim is the toxins leaving your body but it's actually due to swelling and a yeast infection of the mouth and after going through all that you're likely to gain any weight loss after stopping then of course there are straight-up crazy diets like eating cotton balls dipped in so that you feel full which of course provides hardly any nutritional content and can cause intestinal blockages which requires surgical intervention or how about the Sleeping Beauty diet where you just sleep candy if you're always asleep the truth is most eyes focusing on quick dramatic results also have a yo-yo effect where you lose initial weight but slow down your metabolic rate so your body start burning less calories and then when you start eating again there is all the weight back and often more after following contestants from the show with the Biggest Loser for 6 years of some of which we lost hundreds of pounds in those 7-month scientist noticed something interesting not only did most of the participants in the study regain their weight but their metabolic rates changed one man in particular and now Burns 800 fewer calories a day can we be expected for a man his size this is 6 years after leaving the show showing how Extreme Measures to lose weight while they may be successful at the time have long lasting impacts on your metabolism making it harder to keep off weight in the future the hard truth is that even using many of the principal diets about 97% of people regain everything lost and sometimes more within three years if you want to lose weight finding a diet that works for you and keeps you motivated with small incremental changes is important of course a number on the scale doesn't measure how healthy a person is so many struggle with this

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