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foods avoid for the flat belly

foods avoid for the flat belly

                foods to avoid for the flat belly you've always dreamed of we all want to have a flat stomach but belly fat is the most difficult kind to get rid of so unfair right if following a strict diet and exercise regimen has done nothing for your way slide these 10 foods might be to blame before we to keep up with our updates 1 alcoholic drinks some alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories but it's not just about the caloric content in certain drinks alcohol consumption itself increases your appetite and confuses the part of your brain that is responsible for that full feeling in your stomach so no matter how full you are when you go for a bottle of beer you usually grab a snack to don't you of course there are those special occasions when you can't help but celebrate with some alcohol so if you're going to the club a birthday party or whatever go for wine or beer no snacking though and avoid cocktails just thing a 4-oz daiquiri or Margarita contains 7 teaspoons of added sugar that plus the fact that alcohol slows down your body's metabolism making it even more difficult to burn all those calories should make you think twice before opting for a fancy mixed drink next time to soda I know I know we've heard it all before it's just so dang hard to give up soda but if you're seriously set on getting rid of belly fat you really do have to kick the habit of drinking pop even diet soda slows down your metabolism and makes your body store more fat one can of soda contains 150 calories and whenever you drink something fizzy you take in a good amount of carbon dioxide to which is what gives the drinks their carbonation unsurprisingly will make you gassy and Bloated and if your nail thinking fine I'll just drink juice instead it's healthy you'll be badly mistaken most store-bought juices have no actual nutritional value or vitamins they're just full of sugar and corn syrup if you need a replacement for your favorite soda just go with plain water or some good old home brewed iced tea with no sugar in it obviously this way you'll save your body from hundreds of extra calories you really don't need 3 chewing gum when you chew gum your brain and stomach gets signals that prepare them for an incoming meal this means that gum triggers the overproduction of stomach acid which ends up making you feel hungry what's even worse researchers at the Ohio University have discovered that chewing gum doesn't make you hungry for just any food but for the sugary stuff the chemical that gives gum its minty taste makes healthy fruits and vegetables taste nasty ever brush your teeth and then drink some orange juice exactly four foods high in sodium if you blood sugar was the biggest culprit keeping you from achieving a flat stomach 

                    that's got some bad news for you along with sugar salt should also be limited to small amount especially if you suffer from high blood pressure not only are high sodium foods harmful to your health they also make your body retain fluids resulting in a puppy belly in fact most people take in around 3,400 mg of sodium daily that's more than twice the recommended 1500 mg according to the American Heart Association so avoid sprinkling your food with salt and thoroughly study the sodium content on food packaging fast food this probably comes as no surprise I mean we're all well aware that fast food contains too many calories and leads to a whole slew of health problems but if it's specifically. You're trying to get rid of then you really need to give the stuff up Joe food is called Junk for a reason it's just a scary mix of fat sugar and chemical additives the fat in fast food causes bloating and discomfort because it leaves the stomach really slowly sugar on the contrary moves of right into the intestines the chemicals and artificial sweeteners that give your junk food that great taste negatively affect the good bacteria in your gut and that leads to obesity if you're looking for a healthy snack alternative try vegetable sticks or some fruit instead 6 mayonnaise if you're a big fan of mayonnaise then you should know that this condiment contains at least 80% fat yeah it's basically just straight-up fat one tablespoon of the stuff has about 100 calories so if you add 2 tablespoons of mayo to your sandwich you're only doubling that the best option is to substitute Mayo for vegetable puree for hummus 7 fried foods that's right you need to bid adieu to delicious French fries if you're trying to combat belly fat foods fried and oil work like a sponge that absorbs saturated fat and those types of bats are dangerous because they can actually affect the brain function preventing it from thinking clearly about how much wager gaming at the moment as a result just keep shoving without even noticing it was it takes your body in eternity to digest fried foods because of the high fat content in them ate ice cream probably another obvious point on this list sugary foods like ice cream inevitably turn into abdominal fat which is the most dangerous place to store fat on the body not to mention ice cream is pretty addictive right hit that thumbs up if you agree we'll see how many ice cream fans we have out there and article published in the American journal of clinical nutrition even compared craving ice cream to drug addiction the more you get the more you want to satisfy your ever-growing craving and of course the more I scream you eat the more calories you get with it it's a vicious sugary Circle if you absolutely can't imagine your life without some frozen dessert try preparing a low-calorie one yourself freeze a small banana and then blended into a face the desert contains less than 100 calories and taste just as good at least close 9 foods that make you bloat even the skinniest people can have pretty bulging bellies due to consuming too many foods that provoke intestinal gas and bloating if this is an issue for you just avoid these types of food didn't get into a good workout 

                    routine that will speed up your digestion Dairy even though it is a great source of calcium and protein leads to digestive problems and over 65% of all people for those who are lactose intolerant and causes bloating cramping diarrhea and gas unsweetened almond milk could be a good alternative to regular milk a rather unexpected food that might make you bloat is Apple's we all know they have vitamin C as well as lots of fiber which combines with a fructose contained in apples in ferments in your large intestine all kinds of trouble baked apples can be a great solution if you want to avoid bloating but still get the vitamins you need lentils beans and artichokes are also super fiber rich and cause a similar bloating affect in your body Champs sugar-free Foods foods with sugar substitutes like Polly alcohol's are only effective for people with diabetes but these sugar-free products still contribute to the big size of your abdomen just think if your soda is labeled diet but taste just as good as the regular one there must be something in it to compensate for the lack of sugar and fat artificial sweeteners might have no calories in them but they will make you want to eat more which only leads to gaining a this doesn't only concern soda but most diet versions of unhealthy Foods as well so stick to healthy natural stuff and don't fall for that zero calories lose weight as your week slogans 

List of foods to avoid for the flat belly 

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Simple 5 Guidelines Clean Eating

Simple 5 Guidelines Clean Eating

                    Want to chat with you all about eating clean now when I initially decided to stop dieting and start to focus more on nourishment I use cleaning as my guide line that's where the name clean and delicious came from and I've had a lot of people ask me like what is singing and what does it really mean so I just want to chat about it a little bit with you guys today now let me start by saying that eating clean means different things to different people so what I am sharing with you today it's my personal view of clean eating and the view that this channel cleaning represent definition is getting real whole unprocessed Foods as close to their natural state as possible most of the time high quality carbohydrates look sweet potatoes and Grains good quality sources of protein and healthy fats like nuts and avocado one of the most important parts of this process for me was realizing this wasn't going to be another fad diet I really was going to be a lifestyle shift right through it step-by-step improving the quality of the foods that you're eating so you can be in charge of your health and your energy and not fall victim to cravings and mood swings that often, with Allie process nutrient voice two lives that also leave us feeling hungry and out of control and this does not have to look the same for everybody you can eat clean and be a big and you can be a vegetarian you can be a weightlifter you can be a meat eater are Yogi you can eat six meals a day you can eat two meals a day hard fast rule of other than that one stream through the Thai 
                    in which is your eating real whole unprocessed food as close to their natural state as possible most of the time and that you're truly enjoyed eating so today I thought I would share with you five guidelines to help transition into eating play number one cook as often as you can cooking music easiest ways to start eating better because you are in charge of all your ingredients and you know exactly what you're working with and here's 
the deal that doesn't mean you have to cook every single meal that you make you just want to try to cook more often then you don't and technically speaking my friends that is only 51% of the time number to learn to read your labels learning to read the labels on your food is a great way to get a sense of what's going into your body good general rule of thumb stick to foods that have five ingredients or less and that you can read recognize and each one of those ingredients to avoid highly processed food healthy foods are so if it's not coming right from the field or right from the farm it's going to start to begin to be processed the food that I'm concerned about we want to be looking out for those super highly highly processed foods to foods that go through lots of lots of processing before they actually make it to your plate these are the foods that are pretty much made in factories and easy way to think about it is you want your body to do most of the processing right so the more food is processed outside of your body is going to be a great indicator of Highly processed foods are those ingredient list if they have long long long ingredient list chances are they are highly processed as a real problem with highly processed in the fact that they are nutrient is that they are fun started with sugars and fat and salt and so that comes in and totally destroys your taste but it's like overload. Sugar salt Why can't your taste buds and now we no longer appreciate the 
            subtleties and the deliciousness a real natural Whole Foods and I do believe that this is why healthy eating gets a bath wrap because if you're used to eating highly-processed and your taste buds are used to being inundated with all of that they literally cannot taste and appreciate the flavors available which is why it's important to baby step your way out of it and learn how to infuse lots of flavor back in the kitchen by ing lots of plane is lucious s number for avoid artificial flavors and sweetener simply put artificial flavors sweeteners are not real food these are food like products that are made in factories and they are designed to bypass the logical part of your brain and Trigger all of the pleasure point so we find ourselves wanting more and more kind of leaves you feeling like you're out of out of control and you don't even know why and because it's not real food you buy he doesn't even know what to do with it what is a little psychological game that goes on as we think we can have more of it because it doesn't work Ashley trigger the body to desire more sweet right so we're kind of biting your nose off to spite her face or macronutrient balance by no means suggesting that you need to start counting in tracking your macronutrients but I do think you need to pay attention to the carbs proteins in fact that we're eating in the course of the day because what I have found for myself and for a lot of plans that work with highly processed carbs in to add up way too fast and we tend to not get enough of the healthy fat right and just making a little shifts with are macronutrients making sure you're getting enough protein 
making sure you're getting enough of those good heart healthy fat making sure you're getting quality and carbohydrates can give you more energy full for a longer. Of time so it's definitely worth looking at and finally guys I can't stress enough how important it is to actually enjoy the process of trying to eat better how it enjoy the food that you're eating and how you're making them aware you're getting them from he's at the end of the day if you want something to be a lifestyle change it has got to be sustainable and in order for anything to be sustainable we have to enjoy the process if you're treating the present moment like it's an obstacle to getting to your goal this create a ton of stress a ton of pressure and when we get to the goal if you can even get to it under that state is not enjoyable it's not the same table and it doesn't you know it's not a Bed of Roses like we hoped it was physically we need to find that path that feel good so that when we get to the gold kind of like the cherry on top of the cake if that makes sense to make changes in their diet and lifestyle please share this  with them so we can all do our part of kind of helping each other live the best life that we can. 

Simple Guidelines Clean Eating

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What is the DASH Diet

What is the DASH Diet

What is the DASH diet doctors call it one of the best diet for a 3.3 out of 5 in the weight loss affected his category and 4.5 out of 5 in helping usefulness out of 40 diet evaluated it was chosen number one who is this all star it's something called the DASH diet – diet is an easy safe and useful plants that can help you feel better and get rid of excess weight naturally dieting - stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension is a diet developed specifically to reduce blood pressure that this diet results tons of other health issues it reduces cholesterol prevent stroke and heart failure and a healthy level what is considered the best diet to prevent diabetes sides controlling blood pressure people following it managed to improve insulin resistance call Catalonia what's it all about protein and fiber and improve the condition of your hair and skin as well as vegetable protein add dairy products is different this is a complete lifestyle change starting in golf you can have dishes quality 367 oz of fluids per day should be still water or green tea Frankie five times per day one serving should be no more than 800 calorie intake it should be around 2002 2500 a day if you have a sweet tooth you'll need to control yourself you don't have to stop eating sweets and vegetable you should avoid drinking soda or alcohol this is because too much alcohol elevate your blood pressure limit your snack to no more than eight per day in between meal but how about only if you're really hungry not bored remember that tobacco use is prohibited use your salt intake to a maximum of two to three times what you can eat according to the principle they come up with a proper diet plan you should keep in mind your goals do you want to lose weight or become healthier if you want this wind out calorie in other words you need to reduce the size of your cervix for anyone you can have this . no more 7 servings per day one serving should be a slice of bread have a cup of cooked pasta or half a cup of oatmeal for example no more than 5 servings a day just to be one fruit quarter cup of dried fruit for half a cup of juice vegetable 5/13 in add a half a cup of steamed vegetables to be a servant nonfat dairy product two to three servings per day for instance 1.8 oz of cheese would do just fine beef beans and not five serving two week one serving is 1.4 Oz animal and vegetable fat three servings per day this would be one teaspoon of olive for linseed oil Sweet dishes no more than 5 times a week is okay fluid again 67 oz to pay water it's the first flat screen TV inches what to avoid of course

it is a diet and lifestyle change so you'll have to avoid all the typical unhealthy products fast food sausage patty meat candy cookies and other sleeve soft drinks because our bodies form of dependency to junk food you can eliminate harmful products little by little don't try to go cold turkey take baby steps over time your Cravings will disappear how to plan your diet you can create your own money by taking into consideration the diet rules and incorporating the product you're allowed to eat you don't have to do anything special to graduate exclude if your goal is to lose weight. The amount of recommended serving you can also find all kinds of tasty - approved dishes on the internet and abundance of recipes for appetizers and desserts and he's down there once you look for them weight loss benefits the DASH diet wasn't originally designed for weight loss but there have been some studies proving that this eating plan can help people get rid of unwanted now in a 2006 study researchers divided 810 adults with borderline to mild hypertension and just three groups the first word was given some general advice on how to change their lifestyle so that they could get their blood pressure under control exercise thing directions as those from the second Georgia but according to the after a year-and-a-half people from the second group began approximately 8 pounds lighter almost lost an average of 9 and 1/2 * and these results were significantly better than the results of the fur is it easy to follow the dash eating plan first let's consult with the expert according to those numbers from the National Institute of Health you mentioned earlier - 4 to 3.4 out of 5 in the category of easiness to follow. Of course we're only human higher food groups get ready to experience some difficulties and also ask the chef not to season a meal as for alcohol you can't allow yourself or the lady that's no more than one drink a day men shouldn't have more than two per day and what's considered a drink one and a half ounce for 12 oz of beer a nice feature of this site is that you never feel hungry the main idea is to have a satisfied feeling of fullness from the members no starvation

the DASH Diet the Best Diet

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The Egg Diet Lose Belly Fat

The Egg Diet Lose Belly Fat

10 days when I had about the plan it sounds like a very honest it's been hard to keep myself motivated because Puzzling over how to get rid of extra weight in fact it might be an underestimation as many more people suffer from obesity in the modern world actually according to the statistics there are more overweight people than those underweight here we have some pretty shocking facts if parents of a child have problems with extra weight their offspring have an 80% probability of suffering from this condition as well obesity can be the reason of minimum 15 diseases including joint pain cancer and others almost four and a half million of the citizens of the USA has the weight of more than 300 lb one out of three American teenagers and children are either obese or overweight 50 years ago the sum of 3 billion dollars was spent on fast food in the USA nowadays please expedite answers to reach 120 billion impressive so not in a good way have you ever thought of a necessity to lose some extra inches around your waist are you about to do it I need just a little push to start then you have switched on this  just in time we have found a perfect way to become Slimmer more energetic and overall

healthier no horrifying medical procedures are starving for days on end just one simple ingredients and the process of weight loss will jump into action you will see the results and no more than 3 days are you ready for the miracle Field tickets deserve it don't they the first of all let's speak about what you shouldn't do if you want to lose weight safely starvation or Diet too low in calories in weight can lead to the opposite effect when you stand on the way scale and see this if you're in town don't hurry to feel ecstatic first of all your body loses its muscle mass what is much more dangerous such a technique can result in a slow down metabolism and even increase the risk of Diabetes Type 2 supplements that promise you wonders taking prescription drugs you can be sure that they will be safe and effective in the treatment of your problem why it can't be guaranteed though if we speak about supplements companies producing them don't have to provide proof that they are natural or good for People's Health trying them consult with your doctor first detox programs please program should also be treated with caution they cause the loss of weight mostly because you lose water and other liquids so if you are overly enthusiastic while approaching such a program you get under the risk of dehydration and that's just too dangerous to be taken lightly you need to consume a minimum 1200 calories a day if not I will experience the lack of nutrients and their likes you for your daily activity you can't live without this minimal amount of calories for over crazy also if you lose excess way too fast unless my wrist and it will return put it in the form of more fat than muscle in the following products if you want to get rid of some belly fat products rich in carbohydrates not all the products which contain carbs are carved in this definition refers only to those foods that have a high ratio of carbohydrates in ounces and their weight if you take a medium

potato that seems to be considered as bad carbs you will find out that its weight of 6.5 Oz is mostly water carbs are just 23% of the total weight the conclusion you can eat this product without any worries unhealthy fats there are several types of that which are famous for their contribution to extra inches around the waist line saturated trans and omega-6 fats try to avoid full fat Dairy food which has been packaged sweeping oil processed meat and meat high in fat sugar and sweeteners both artificial and natural your body perceives artificial sweeteners just as if it was real sugar it makes the body release insulin it works as a single after which glucose is stored in the form of fat Sono fizzy drinks even diet one and now let's move to the secret ingredient that will play a major role in the process of your weight loss it isn't even if you were a bit skeptical now well let's admit things are just too usual wait until the end of the  perhaps we'll manage to surprise you a like is highly appreciated first of all let's see why an egg is such an incredible product eggs are very nutritious you won't be wrong if you say that they are on top of the list of the most nutritious products in the world one boiled egg contains vitamins B2 B5 B6 B12 vitamin A vitamins D any calcium selenium phosphorus folate and zinc no wonder because in the very egg just one cell turned into a whole chicken in an egg you'll also find different nutrients important for your health eggs are good for the health of eyes they may lower the risk of stroke this product increases the level of the good cholesterol the best thing is that eating one egg which is very fulfilling by the way you consume 277 calories and at the same time 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.17 ounces of healthy fats are you thoroughly persuaded in the health benefits of a good let's see how to reduce belly fat in 3 days using them day 1 breakfast drink a cup of green tea with no sugar I need to tomatoes and two boiled eggs lunch have two egg whites they are perfect source of protein for the fish boiled or baked and drink a cup of green tea between lunch and dinner

you can have a snack one apple dinner for dinner you can have your favorite vegetables be a broccoli carrots peas green beans cauliflower whatever you wish the only condition here they must be 16 drink a cup of green tea without sugar day number 2 Breakfast drink a cup of unsweetened green tea eat two boiled eggs in a banana lunch for lunch enjoy two egg whites to oz of chicken boiled without skin and right you are your favorite green tea dinner on the second day your dinner can include a piece of run up 4 oz of cottage cheese and a cup of low-fat milk day number 3 breakfast drink a glass of tomato juice any two boiled eggs lunch green tea do egg whites again and 4.2 ounces of cooked red meat dinner potatoes and a cup of green tea if you wonder why you need to drink green tea so much here is some health benefits bioactive compounds containing it improves Health antioxidants in green tea have strong with the snow properties compounds found in green tea can make you even smarter they make the brain function better it positively influences the process of fat burning boosting the rate of metabolism several studies that prove that drinking green tea results in the decrease in body fat in the area of the abdomen and sealer this drink May decrease the risk of different types of cancer such as prostate and breast cancer in lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases green tea reduces the risk of dental infection the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes also goes down cheapest way for 3 days and see what will happen share the results you have achieved in the comments below the  but let's agree no cheating while you were following this diet show the  with your friends if they are dreaming of a losing belly fat

Egg Diet Lose Belly Fat

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Diet Healthy Eating

Diet Healthy Eating

actually pretty complex so I thought it would just focus on what I'd say if you and I sat down in the clinic by wondering what we're shooting for weight loss less over eating healthy eating a longer better life then stick with the big picture I just one behavior and a healthy Cascade exercising regularly leads to better Stress Management to better food decisions two more energy restaurant disease and so on if it's weight loss you're after that's easy conceptually don't eat as much in and move more the problem is is not so easy keeping up this energy balance in the real world and industrialized countries we are surrounded by a limitless Supply app inexpensive tasty supersize high calorie food the other side of the energy balance equation is activity has also changes Our Generation has a severe case of hitting disease nightly TV commute spectacular  games moving sidewalks and most of us now we're sitting all these workers are culture pushes as towards the easy button instead of making our days harder on the other other side of the equation I think it's important to remember that eating is Grand Food brings together her family's bills communities and gives us Health okay so let's start with the question I most often get about eating what's

the best diet for losing weight I'm not surprised people are confused while you're watching this  there's probably a pop-up window from the diet industry telling you about a diet of a detox or superfood not to mention the Hollywood star that just started that diet no research has shown convincingly that one commercial diet trumps all the rest the only thing that predicted success and head hedgehog how well you stuck to whichever. You pick to reframe that's our society lurches from Daya to diet looking for some magic formula but but it's not the formula as much as the powder instead of obsessing about the exact composition of a diet the science tells us to choose the one you like the best and can actually stick to a Cochrane meta-analysis in 2015 looking at what bump the success of commercial weight loss diet showed it wasn't less carbs or or Fat Boys more structure and more in person social support really died so just food rules that influence our pattern of eating her with the economist call a commitment device with self-aware people do to improve their chances of controlling future irrational or or impulsive behavior instead of autopilot you follow food will that not just you to work certain evening decisions mostly less over eating each commercial die has their own magic formula of what we call macronutrients so low carb high protein low fat sugar and so on and they typically have a story to go with it so he can eat like a caveman or or use the scoring system words pre-packaged or famous doctors take her or whatever and I suppose my two messages with micronutrients are one I think we spent too much time and energy focusing on them and to it is really more about quality than quantity low carb well cards to be healthy and their complex form fruits veggies legumes whole grains and not so healthy and they're simple form like free sugars and and refined starches you know let's face it carves tastes awesome and in our

society tends to overeat them so people who restrict their intake tend to lose weight however when we study relative weight loss outcomes 2014 systematic review by dr. Celeste now and colleagues look at Waitin and cardiovascular markers about rich people on low-carb diets that were followed for up to two years and they found no difference compared to balance weight loss diets so how about lowering sugar well try to pick one word to describe sugar and industrialized societies it would be sneaky so so much sugar has worked its way into our diet send mean many drinks have a dorm or teaspoons of sugar the average American intake is approximately 20 teaspoons of sugar a day murrin teenagers and unless in Canada it's the obvious weeds but it's also Foods we think of as healthy so cereals and granola bars and fruit juices when high sugar contributes to excess calories that is when we seem to get into trouble what interesting caveat is it is it when I diagnose patients with prediabetes the first thing they do is drop sugar from your diet when we look at the diabetes prevention trials it was nice about sugar restriction and more about the healthy Cascade of being active half hour day 5 to 7% weight loss eating less saturated fats and eating more fiber that reduce risk of progression 2 Diabetes by 58% how about low-fat well I think our stories changed on fat from all bad to again more of a continuum he'll be trans fat so fried fast food many package baked goods not so good and we're reducing these your saturated fats will see in Darien and red meat and plant oils like coconut a fishing knot tool go to XS but okay in moderation then we have your monounsaturated fats or or move them diet with your discussion a second is pretty high and move Faso avocados Nazis olive oil dark chocolate and shows health benefits do we have proof is so these are the longer chain fats found in oily fish has early trial showed some reduction cardiac offense or recent trials not too enthusiastic meta-analysis still show me some small benefit no harm so the suggestion is at least two servings a week people seem to do better when they replace saturated fats with mufa and pufa fat high protein diets for Quality than quantity protein can come in different packages with different health effects oh say comparing a high-salt ham steak versus a mistake or or lentils are a handful of almonds most data points that if you eat healthy protein white needs not being selfish you do better especially if it has spread throughout the day perhaps most importantly a breakfast they're also some Diet showing good results in people with

the Z so the DASH diet dropping high blood pressure by 5 to 11 mm of mercury or or low glycemic index diet dropping A1C the measurement for blood sugar over time people with diabetes 5.5 percentage points many of our patients have high cholesterol and dr. David Jenkins and his colleagues here at the University of Toronto has shown that can reduce cholesterol by 35% with the portfolio diet the data for vegetarianism has largely come from Culvert studies and Nelson randomized trial showing that people do better it's hard not to conclude that a diet rich in plant-based unprocessed Foods is a Smart Diet no course many people make the excellent point that the burden on our planet is is less with a vegetarian or vegan or local diets to think about all this is to reflect on Brazil's new dietary guidelines from focusing on the perfect macronutrient mixed words more appreciation of food stepping back a bit to see you know we're fine worlds are processed foods and packaged foods that can be eaten anywhere and that maybe there's an opportunity for healthier eating and better Relationships by courage and create emails with your family and friends okay if there's no magic formula is there a diet that actually does work I think the answer is yes the diet is more about culture and a small behaviors a diet not focused on weight loss but I'm healthy outcomes like less cancer or heart disease dementia no longer life the guy with the most robust evidence is a Mediterranean diet I said food rolls or or absolute this is more about moderation Less meat or veggies fruit for dessert and shopping at the market or or at least at the outer Isles of a grocery store. The process food for sale in the inner Isles really it's more of a lifestyle traditional includes lots of physical activity regular meals are good social support discontinue the ship from diets to healthy behaviors that affect a reading by look at the national weight control registry then WCR administers annual questionnaires to more than 10,000 people more women than men who have lost quite a bit of weight and kept it off for more than a year but surprisingly 98% said they modified their food intake in some way and a 94% increase their activity levels but there wasn't one formula most restricted some food some kind of calories is a tall Foods just limited their quantities 70% eat breakfast every day the majority watch less than 10 hours of TV a native just

three times a week and these people generate seated the prescribed half hour day of activity average in an hour day mostly walking nearly all registry members indicate that weight loss led to improvements in their level of energy physical Mobility General mood self-confidence and physical health feedback loops in important is one thing but it seems like the trick your part at least for about 80% of us is keeping it off weighing yourself and using this is a small nudge in your daily food decisions is an example 75% of nwcr subjects weigh themselves weekly 36% daily and then look at this more closely at the soccer game trial wear daily self when was associated with a decreased risk of regaining 2.3 kg mg or 5 pounds on average another feedback Dodges a food diary you just for a week and he's here now with apps patients find us so simple they don't do it but let's see what you've eaten can actually double your weight loss so I think awareness is under shoulder and maybe what you're eating or or weighing but tell us about knowing that life is messy and and to enjoy it we need some flexibility or that you simply feel better when you eat better that's why I like the idea of starting with small changes are or as I call them 2 weeks maybe switch something you do a lot so for example eating breakfast snack and drinking you can switch your average cereal for some oatmeal or Shredded Wheat handful of almonds instead of a bag of chips switch three of your color drinks a day to water but the doctor makes Richie rude diet might actually chip away at a pound a week or or better yet might make you feel better another angle is adding and she dr. Sherry pagoto in college randomize metabolically at-risk individuals to either a multi-faceted American Heart Association diet versus a simpler advice of just increasing fiber 230g throughout the day so getting on the bandwagon a trip to Beantown berry picking both replies to a t h e group slightly more and both improve cardiovascular markers I like this idea pushing healthier food rather just restricting or or fetching off other food other data shown satiety are feeling of being full is not just about calories calories should come from proteins and and fibers actually can make us feel more full another angle is social support which could actually help are eating behaviors another study where people are either going it alone versus having three or more friends or family members

supporting them maintaining weight loss at 10 months jump from 24 to 66% on the subject of support having a dietician just online helps it like a Genius bar for your reading activity is interesting to contact People when they have obesity live longer than skinny set and Terry's to a my patients tell me there are active but have been unsuccessful at Weight Loss shrug my shoulders and save actually you have been successful your active calories through diet but I think it's important to know that the research shows that people of exercise have more success at maintaining their weight my final two points about healthy eating focus on this long-term play an attitude as restricted try to prove it hard to sustain returning from the individual to what surrounds the individual changing air to make it easier to make the right choice after day be called this redesign Choice architecture and involves two types of what I call quote Niger awareness first is knowing that our world is full of triggers towards and healthier overeating convenience shiny Foods at the counter supersizing marketing as dr. Brian wansink points out because we're hungry check please and weariness what not just you personally we are creatures of habit would do the same thing every week in each of us has Q's certain foods pastries at the coffee counter a Time 11th 3 or 10 a predictable stressor is wanting says the option to hear is to re-engineer small behaviors that move you from mindless overeating to Mindless battery in your kitchen on the counter there are much more likely to Beach Painters and not eating for the bag or simple nudges to reduce mindless eating himself knowledge are you a nighttime Nibbler or an emotional eater by change that the grocery store I know it's pathetic I should cut fruits myself but why does healthy eating habits for me when I buy pre-cut fruit and just like I might tell if smoke or not to have cigarettes in the house I also don't buy Super sour to do because I can't stop eating those things behavior is more of an attitude 80/20 so I am and you should be thrilled having a piece of dark chocolate a good me a load some pie rid of this for the long term so I'm not looking for Perfection I'm looking for consistency Tony and I hope I brought you think a bit differently about how you eat instead of investing in a single diet a portfolio behaviors small tweaks over big changes single-ingredient Foods / multi ingredient in processed foods dinner at home self-awareness the penniless on constant willpower more and tweaking your week to make mindless healthy eating more likely my final point is more about health at every size and you know I I get the people want weight loss and obesity is a risk factor for disease but honestly if my patients can work with their factory settings to be more mindful of the reading for the more self-love start thinking more about what's healthy to eat rather than what not to eat and be happy so maybe now's the time to start your very own better life experiment thanks for listening

the Best Diet Healthy Eating

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What Calories Look Like on Most Popular Diets

What Calories Look Like on Most Popular Diets

calories looks like spread out over breakfast lunch and dinner will we did and we also look like on four of the more popular modern diet which is keto paleo vegan and the ever-popular fast food so not only do we want to showcase what it takes to get 2000 calories on all of those diet but also a little information on what those diets for themselves are you ready keto diet the ketogenic diet is a high-fat moderate protein low carbohydrate diet it is also sometimes referred to as the Atkins or low carb diet the diet forces the body to burn fast rather than carbohydrates normally the carbohydrate is contained in the food are converted into glucose which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain function however if a little carbohydrate remains in the diet the liver converts fat into fatty acids and Ketone bodies the Ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source this elevated level of Ketone bodies in the blood is known as a state called ketosis when this happens your body becomes efficient at burning fat for energy it also turns fat into ketones in the liver which cancer light energy for the brain although the ketogenic diet is generally safe for healthy people there maybe some side effects while your body attacks this is often referred to as the keto flu keto flu include for energy and mental function increased hunger sleep issues nausea digestive discomfort and decreased exercise performance when on the keto diet you will want to avoid sugars fruits beans or any other car based foods instead eat food such as me fish eggs butter nuts oils avocados and low-

carb vegetables the Paleo Diet the Paleolithic diet or paleo diet for short is a diet where you consume Foods presume to have been the only ones available during the Paleolithic Era while there is a wide variability in the way the paleo diet is interpreted the diet typically includes vegetables fruits nuts fruits and meat and excludes food such as dairy greens sugar and processed oils the diet is based on avoiding not just processed foods but rather the foods that humans begin eating when they transition from hunter-gatherer Lifestyles to Agriculture and farming the paleo diet is promoted as a way of improving Health there is some evidence that following this diet mainly to improvements in terms of body composition in metabolic effects compared with that of the typical Western diet there is no good evidence however that the diet helps with weight loss other than through the normal mechanisms calorie restriction when on the paleo diet you will want to avoid all processed foods and ingredients including sugar bread certain vegetable oils trans fats in artificial sweeteners instead eating unprocessed foods such as meat Seafood eggs veggies fruits potatoes nuts healthy fats and spices if possible choose grass-fed in organic products the vegan diet the vegan diet is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products particularly in your diet vegans refrain from consuming animal products not only me but also eggs dairy and other animal derive substances some reviews have shown that some people who eat vegan

diets have less chronic disease including heart disease in people who do not follow a restricted diet vegan diets tend to be higher in dietary fiber magnesium vitamin c e and iron but lower in dietary energy saturated fat cholesterol omega-3 fatty acids vitamin D calcium zinc and vitamin B12 unbalanced vegan diet mainly to nutritional deficiencies that nullify any beneficial effects and may cause serious health issues some of these deficiencies can only be prevented through the choice of fortified or the regular intake of dietary supplements vitamin B12 supplementation is especially important because it's deficiency causes blood disorders and potentially irreversible neurological damage when on the vegan diet you will want to avoid any animal flash animal by-products or food containing an ingredient from animal horror instead you want to focus on eating nuts seeds tofu whole grains sprouted foods and fruits and vegetables fast food is a type of mass-produced food design for commercial resale with a strong priority placed on speed of service when on the fast food diet you want to avoid well there's really nothing to avoid it's all fair game what mm Waters diet was a little surprising for me doing

Calories Look Like on Most Popular Diets

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What eat on a keto diet

What eat on a keto diet

Keto diet contains very few carbs and a higher proportion of energy from Nashville set the protein amount should be moderate the diet is based on real food like meat fish eggs vegetables and Nashville pets from fatty foods like avocado salmon or olive oil avoid carbohydrates rich food like sugar sweets and starchy Foods bread pasta rice and potatoes and you could end up eating something like this just as an example of a simple way to explain the difference between regular food and keto Foods is that you remove the large portion of carbs fries potatoes or pasta and replace it with vegetables prepared in fast food sample veggies fried in butter for salads with olive oil gorilla be

that simple so how much should you eat when you're hungry until you're satisfied super simple you don't need to count calories you don't need any pills no special products and no meter placement on a keto diet you only need another important difference waiting until you're hungry to eat feels easy on keto cause your body can I switch directed burn your what is that when is it no carb diet you would get sugar cravings and feel tired if you don't eat all the time but only keto diet you get when you're hungry I want to do Hunger is the best spice so eat when you're hungry until your food and then repeat this for as long as you want maybe your home knife just natural skin be like breathing just remember to choose food with very little sugar or starch the common rule is to stay below 20 grams of carbs per day and has to stick to food with less than 5% carbs for the rest of this video will you go through exactly what to eat and what not to eat on keto

How to eat on a keto diet

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How to Diet for 7 days Secret

How to Diet for 7 days Secret

I have gained so much weight in the past few months and I feel like s I'm always tired and cranky and all that so I'm going to be trying to diet see if it's going to work seems pretty hard because I'm a sugar addict the first model that I'm going to eat like is Stella Maxwell she is beautiful like stunning let's go let's do this so Maxwell this is some of the food I got for a mostly Trader Joes for example there's like a lot of veggies lots and lots of salmon, as almond butter almond milk avocado granola eggs like scrambled eggs in the morning so I got a lot of bags and blueberries whole roasted chicken cuz I'm a lady b and I'm not about to like you can like slow roasted chicken all day so here's breakfast we just have two scrambled eggs and half an avocado and I want to put some everything but the bagel seasoning on it because it's really good I'm also going to be drinking a whole bottle of these a day because they drink so much water they're always like so yeah Maxwell's favorite snack to munch on the crunchy peas Lunch is ready I got salmon salad and some lemon to squeeze on Lemon on salmon and another one that sells favorite snack is almond so I had a handful of almonds for dinner we had some rotisserie chicken and a big salad also

we just are watching Game of Thrones really good so far I know we really relate to the game but whatever it's date you today what's awesome about her is she has her own YouTube channel and I can actually follow exactly what she's in today so that's going to be sick for breakfast she said she had this chia pudding so I have chia seeds almonds blueberries almond milk and protein delicious breakfast It looks interesting I don't know if I'm going to like this I try spoonful for lunch we went to a cute little shop and got an acai Bowl I got Goji berries online and Harrison got like a peanut butter banana one he's doing this diet with me cuz he's a really sweet boy and he's really nice I love acai bowls are so good and tasty and I wish I can have them for lunch everyday to be honest there really tasty and I think they're healthy I don't know like 5 to 6 or 7 today and try to cut back so I'm still have a black coffee I don't drink coffee at all like ever since try to see if it's good taste like it tastes like poison romies lunch that she had in her  couscous green beans cabbage salmon avocado look so good I can't wait to try it for day 3 I'm going to be eating like Miranda Kerr so she actually has a  on YouTube where she explains what she's in the whole day and she says that she gets star in the morning with some hot water and lemon and that it boosts the immune system in the metabolism or whatever that I had her delicious breakfast smoothie that had almond milk almond butter spinach mango blueberries and raspberries and hers but I literally think papaya taste like vomit so I'm still sick with mango for this one once was a basic b salmon and salad dinner with sweet potato mash and chicken and then a nice big salad with halloumi cheese security take a moment to look it up Miranda Cruise portion sizes like it's day for today I thought I'd give you guys like a little update feeling actually really good like I thought the diet would be really hard and I would be like now I need snacks I need candy has like usually I always eat candy or chocolate or something sweet but for some reason this really satisfies me I don't know I think the calories are literally just enough for me I don't feel hungry I don't feel like to. I feel like just right

you know the end of the day I'm not starving I'm not stuffed but I am good you know but anyways today we will be eating like Kendall Jenner let's see how she's you guys for breakfast she says she likes to have avocado toast and scrambled eggs this is actually really good and tasty and I liked it a lot of editing right now and I'm feeling a little hummus and raw veggies so here we have carrots orange bell peppers and cucumber so that was good good snacks lunch with chicken and rice I also like to put some salad dressing my rice okay don't knock it till you try it. Actually really good thank me later and peas pasta apparently looks like the only thing she likes to make a part for more scrambled eggs so I'm going to be making that for dinner today here I have fettuccine onion garlic peas little salt pepper parmesan and lemon you look pretty good actually for you think is a good add a v i like Jasmine tookes it start a really good until I got really hungry and crave carbs so I left over Kendall Jenner's pasta from the night before it was my bad sorry not sorry but a safe site like Lindsay Ellingson it was actually really nice but at this point I was feeling really likes deprived of junk food so it's kind of hard to be on it I know it's been really good like the whole school how much weight I lost if it's worth it if it's a good all that stuff at the end of the  but right now for the last day we're going to be eating like beautiful models Bella Hadid season interesting one because he don't know all the other one I promise you guys she does not eat like that everyday I mean I understand being really naturally skinny and being able to eat like that but belly still looks like this and now she looks like this so it's kind of obvious she's dieting really hard and working out extra hard and she's not even gross that kind of makes us believe like why can't we eat burgers and fries everyday and look like that cuz like no one can I'm sorry but no one can eat burgers and fries every day looks like that it's just not a thing it won't happen don't try it it's not a good way to lose weight or get back to Bella there's an updated version and what she said she likes to eat in a day and I'm going to show you guys the next so let's go for breakfast Bella said she usually has an egg sandwich on the plane Bagel but I'm an onion Bagel had a girl I will not go for the plane so I mean it is God uses I don't know if I've ever had a green shoes cucumber apple and mint CBD hemp and ginger soy Ginger shots so Bella Hadid says that she likes to drink a ginger shot when she feels bad I don't know which one should we try first the the ginger shot I think it's the ginger shot cuz I don't want that to be the last thing on my mind I feel like I had a good thing Curry I want another one I see how it is so good but so good play I like it but then I hate it when are

you actually like the ginger shot better than girls like spicy and following was Lee helping my immune system oh yeah thanks for tuning in for a juice review I'm just kind of gross to be honest I had leftover rotisserie chicken and whatever veggies I can find in the fridge don't recommend for dinner I had delicious Pepperoni Pizza Bella hadid's Faber are you can find like literally pictures of her eating pepperoni pizza like everywhere it's like it's nice to me and joined pizza after a long time trying to be healthy I really really really really enjoyed it was really good yum yum yum love is really expensive but honestly if you're just getting those foods and cutting out all the junk you would get it's actually the same price or even cheaper for me at least we spent actually less money at the grocery eating like that and we had breakfast lunch and dinner for two people for an entire week and it was cheaper cuz usually we go to the store we buy all these like 3 days and we spent like so much money are the calories enough to lose weight that's a good amount of calories for me let's talk about craving for the first three days I was eating like salmon and all that stuff and it really satisfied me the first but then I think it was Kendall's day I had that like pasta that she made and that kind of threw me off I was like okay that's really good then the next day I screwed up and then I was like really craving sugar and all that at least have some fruit on you cuz they don't need a lot of fruit but I recommend adding fruit to his diet if you like sugar as much as me just so you can satisfy yourself or actually did lose weight I lost almost 3 pounds in a week which is pretty freaking good so far why do I feel a lot better more energized my stomach is less bloated I wake up with a flat belly Foods diet best honestly I really like Stella Maxwell Smart really good I really like the same as a salad that's something I'm definitely going to be putting in my diet I'm really hypocritical because I just said

this diet and now I'm about to go have a cheat day so they'll be up to go check that out but yeah I'm not going to consider this a diet this is kind of a lifestyle change. I'm going to be implementing these meals in my daily life it's not really going to be a die I'm not going to count calories or anyting I'm just going to be eating more salmon veggie if I'm hungry I'm just going to snack on like veggies and hummus like Kendall Jenner and I'm not going to bring out like a whole thing of chips so slow things like that you don't necessarily have to dye it feel like this is just a healthy lifestyle change and I feel like you want to be healthy this is a pretty good diet

How to Diet for 7 days

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How Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

How Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

how I lost weight  if I'm going to be completely honest I kind of put this  off because I know diet and nutrition can be a very controversial topic online first off I'm not dietitian and nutritionist I just literally used these tips that I must share with you and I lost weight I can't guarantee that I can work for you because everyone's body if you eat and somebody's just react differently all I know is that these tips to help me lose weight and that's all I can claim to know that let me just give you some stats about our last year in 2016 I would be heaviest ever was I was 120 lb in for my frame not really showed and now today in 2017 I am a hundred full year to lose the weight so please do not expect this to happen overnight it is a gradual process start on your next meal and don't look that so I'm going to run down the 10 tips that have contributed to my weight loss A lot of it is common sense but sometimes you just need a little refresher my first if you find healthy foods that you actually loved eating it's not realistic to have a salad for every single meal for the rest of your life it's just unattainable go out there and go on a food tour find the healthy food that you just freaking love eating and create a list so throughout the years I've learned that I love broccoli green beans mushrooms so who I can eat so much of that and never get sick of it don't force yourself to eat that dry kale salad

if you don't like dry kale and I don't go out of my way to eat healthy foods that I don't like for example I don't like you I don't like tomatoes and I don't force myself to eat healthy I just and it's really worked out well for me so go out there create a list and stick to it the second ship is very important it is to have no distractions while you're eating I know it's like second nature at this point to get your health food turn on the TV or laptop and just tune out and eat your brain takes around 20 minutes to realize that it's full and when you're not paying attention to your body you don't know when that time comes and I've noticed that whenever I watch something and I'm eating I tend to eat even more and even faster and a lot of times like I'm finished with my food but the show still going so all I go back and get second good times roll but if you want to lose weight you it's easier to know what your body is saying to you when everything is off I was trying to stop eating right when I get to The Sweet Spot and that is the spot where I'm not hungry anymore but I'm not like completely fool like it's not really nice in between and I feel like killing a Japanese have a word for it but I don't know like that's eating and that's really helped me maintain my figure and tricky believe me it's really hard to get that spot because it's so tempting to just until like just like I used to love being an easier to maintain my weight overindulging and overeating the next step is something that I've been using since college and it's to have smaller plates and bowls so if you look in our shelves you'll notice that we have two sizes we've got a normal big one for been a smaller one for me please nicknamed it the baby plate because it's just a little and yeah when I have a bigger plate I tend to want to over portion myself I want to cram and filled plate so with the smaller play I can still crammed all the food in but it's actually the perfect person for me number for is to get a water bottle I feel like drinking water as one of the most you are hydrated you're not really that hungry and for me I love having my sippy cup because this makes me drink so much water throughout the day and it's the Camelbak specifically through maybe three or four bottles of this a day and so I make sure that I'm very hydrated whenever you have a craving chances are you're just dehydrated or you're bored and so whatever I have like a hankering for some chips or like any sort of like a snack or something I will chug have and if I'm still hungry then I'll go but most of the time I drink it I'm completely fine and I can wait till my next meal I also should mention that I don't drink any juice or soda or like milk I only stick to water unsweetened tea black coffee and

like soda water that's pretty much it my favorite is koi so delicious it has zero calories and it just gives you that carbonated cake if you are missing it like this tip is to never skip any meals especially breakfast I feel like I have kind of program my body to do just like wake up hungry so I'm always always have breakfast like there's a reason why it's called the most important meal of the day it's because it kicks off in metabolism is that what I skipped like breakfast by the next meal I am so hungry I end up making really stupid few decisions so I'll just like end of overeating or or I'll order something I really gnarly like nachos or something it's easier to make mindful food choices when your body is not starving personally I only eat free some people like to have four to five smaller meals a day but for me it's just too much effort to think about that many meals to eat so I like to keep it simple breakfast lunch and dinner for my breakfast that's what I have most of my car for lunch or whatever but for dinner that's what I'm kind of the most strict when I was at like my most motivated to lose weight for dinner I would never have any refined carbohydrates so I wouldn't have any pasta I wouldn't have liked a fried rice dishes I would probably stick to like veggies and like a protein and that's it for dinner or breakfast really struggled with when I first moved back to LA in 2015 I was eating out at restaurants all the time and I was ordering Postmates all the time when you go to restaurants even if you order the healthy dish you don't know what the restaurants putting into it that you're there like a list of ingredients but you don't know how much butter they put you don't know how much oil they put where I'm at restaurants objective is to make the food taste as good as possible and keep you coming back and it's a business so it makes sense so that's why it's just easier to just cook your own meal you know exactly what you put in it and I know it's like easy to say like all I'm not a good cook I can't cook but you just need to cook 3 recipes learn how to make three healthy recipes and then you can build from there it's a just completely avoid restaurants the rest your life it's not going to happen so when I do eat out I like to have a balance so I have this rule called the to rule the other pick an appetizer and entree or an entree and dessert I'll never get all three or did you get all three it's like

a no such occasion but yeah you don't need all three don't need an appetizer entree and dessert that's just you know that's why you just need to intake when I was at my heaviest I was probably drinking maybe two or three times a week and it definitely showed there's a lot of empty calories in alcohol and the problem with me was I would always have Crunchies when I would come home drunk I would just open up my cupboard make a snack throat in microwave and I would just eat all of it soak up the alcohol and then go to sleep oh yeah it was like a vicious cycle obviously I still drink I like to go out and have a good time but I only drink once a week now if I'm going to drink more than once a week they don't only have one drink that's it and every time I go out I only have a vodka soda Crush line that is my fav I don't see any snaps that to me in my house because I'm kind of person wear if I have like potato fries I have to eat the back it's I'm just like in the house so I just like to cut the Temptation and not have any of it in my house if I really really want them then I'll have to get off my ass and go buy them but if they're not in the house then I'm not thinking about it so I know I've been driving a lot about food and diet so I'm going to talk about the next obvious thing which is exercise I like to exercise around three to five times a week and when I was training super hard I was going 5 times a week and that in combination with all the tips that I said like maybe really shred it like for the first 2 months like a lot of that wake him up because of those I know the ratio is something like 80% diet 20% Fitness but when you put the exercise in that 20% goes a long way and when horse has a lot of it just melts off so it's really important to find a form of exercise that you hate the least so whether it is kickboxing zlotys swimming running whatever for me it is to train a loan I love going to the gym by myself it's become my own little Sanctuary featuring my workouts are around 15 minutes long I am obsessed with this app on second I have talked about it in a preview do you like my little personal trainer so I like start off with 20 minutes of cardio I'll use my high intensity interval training workout so I'll be on the StairMaster for 5 minutes just walking normally and then I'll run on the StairMaster for 30 seconds and then I'll walk again for a minute and 30 seconds and then I'll run again for 30 seconds and I'll do this six times and then I'll cool off of 5 minutes of walking on the StairMaster and by the end of

this I am literally a drenched in sweat and now I'm ready for my stage name for my 30 minutes of strength training I won't get too into it but I like a playlist that work different parts of my body out so I have three full body workouts I have one for the waist one for the ABS and arm it all depends I feel like I'm just going to do a separate  on that work out because if I Incorporated that into this  I feel like it'd be way too long so be prepared for s in the future these days I only work out 3 times a week it's because I'm not trying to lose any weight I'm only trying to maintain the body I have right now I really happy with my way and I'm not trying to change anything on my notice that since I've been doing the strength training and weight it's an easier to just like keep my body the way it is my last trip is to find motivation that really resonates with you back in the day I feel like a lot of my weight loss inspiration was quite superficial it was just about like I want to be skinny for my birthday or I want to be skinny for Coachella once I found a deeper reason of why I wanted to be fit it has propelled me to stay in shape the reason why I exercise and I tried my best to stay in shape is or my mental health I've noticed that back in the day when I wasn't working out consistently I had a lot more breakdowns I had a lot of meltdowns and I was just very sensitive to stress now that I work out three to five times a week I don't really have that issue that much anymore like I'm not perfect but I am so much better than how I was last year some days I just wake up and I am just bummed but before I would just kind of be bombed in just let it be like a sad day now if I'm feeling sad I hit the gym because 95% of the time I come back after workout and I feel better but the most important person in my life and he lives with me and I hated Ben is generally a super positive person and having a bad attitude is just still contagious and I hated bringing him down and so I knew that this is something that I really needed to work on an exercise has helped me so much you'll find a reason that really sticks with you whether it's because you want to be stronger you want to be able to lift something whether you want to like run a marathon or you want to have interviews of yourself once you find Super Bowl it's easier to stick with it all right guys those are my top 10 tips on how I lost weight honestly the first month is the hardest I swear but once you pass out from there and then wants to start seem like physical change in your body cancer if you lose then it becomes easier if you'd like to leave any diet tips in the comment down below or words of encouragement I'd love to hear them I just want this to be like a positive place for people to talk about Fitness and Nutrition if there's something that you don't agree with me it would be awesome if you just said it in a constructive way as opposed to a way of just attacking me my point is not to shame people into losing weight it's just don't want to live a healthier lifestyle

 Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

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