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Simple Guidelines Clean Eating

Simple 5 Guidelines Clean Eating

Simple 5 Guidelines Clean Eating

                    Want to chat with you all about eating clean now when I initially decided to stop dieting and start to focus more on nourishment I use cleaning as my guide line that's where the name clean and delicious came from and I've had a lot of people ask me like what is singing and what does it really mean so I just want to chat about it a little bit with you guys today now let me start by saying that eating clean means different things to different people so what I am sharing with you today it's my personal view of clean eating and the view that this channel cleaning represent definition is getting real whole unprocessed Foods as close to their natural state as possible most of the time high quality carbohydrates look sweet potatoes and Grains good quality sources of protein and healthy fats like nuts and avocado one of the most important parts of this process for me was realizing this wasn't going to be another fad diet I really was going to be a lifestyle shift right through it step-by-step improving the quality of the foods that you're eating so you can be in charge of your health and your energy and not fall victim to cravings and mood swings that often, with Allie process nutrient voice two lives that also leave us feeling hungry and out of control and this does not have to look the same for everybody you can eat clean and be a big and you can be a vegetarian you can be a weightlifter you can be a meat eater are Yogi you can eat six meals a day you can eat two meals a day hard fast rule of other than that one stream through the Thai 
                    in which is your eating real whole unprocessed food as close to their natural state as possible most of the time and that you're truly enjoyed eating so today I thought I would share with you five guidelines to help transition into eating play number one cook as often as you can cooking music easiest ways to start eating better because you are in charge of all your ingredients and you know exactly what you're working with and here's 
the deal that doesn't mean you have to cook every single meal that you make you just want to try to cook more often then you don't and technically speaking my friends that is only 51% of the time number to learn to read your labels learning to read the labels on your food is a great way to get a sense of what's going into your body good general rule of thumb stick to foods that have five ingredients or less and that you can read recognize and each one of those ingredients to avoid highly processed food healthy foods are so if it's not coming right from the field or right from the farm it's going to start to begin to be processed the food that I'm concerned about we want to be looking out for those super highly highly processed foods to foods that go through lots of lots of processing before they actually make it to your plate these are the foods that are pretty much made in factories and easy way to think about it is you want your body to do most of the processing right so the more food is processed outside of your body is going to be a great indicator of Highly processed foods are those ingredient list if they have long long long ingredient list chances are they are highly processed as a real problem with highly processed in the fact that they are nutrient is that they are fun started with sugars and fat and salt and so that comes in and totally destroys your taste but it's like overload. Sugar salt Why can't your taste buds and now we no longer appreciate the 
            subtleties and the deliciousness a real natural Whole Foods and I do believe that this is why healthy eating gets a bath wrap because if you're used to eating highly-processed and your taste buds are used to being inundated with all of that they literally cannot taste and appreciate the flavors available which is why it's important to baby step your way out of it and learn how to infuse lots of flavor back in the kitchen by ing lots of plane is lucious s number for avoid artificial flavors and sweetener simply put artificial flavors sweeteners are not real food these are food like products that are made in factories and they are designed to bypass the logical part of your brain and Trigger all of the pleasure point so we find ourselves wanting more and more kind of leaves you feeling like you're out of out of control and you don't even know why and because it's not real food you buy he doesn't even know what to do with it what is a little psychological game that goes on as we think we can have more of it because it doesn't work Ashley trigger the body to desire more sweet right so we're kind of biting your nose off to spite her face or macronutrient balance by no means suggesting that you need to start counting in tracking your macronutrients but I do think you need to pay attention to the carbs proteins in fact that we're eating in the course of the day because what I have found for myself and for a lot of plans that work with highly processed carbs in to add up way too fast and we tend to not get enough of the healthy fat right and just making a little shifts with are macronutrients making sure you're getting enough protein 
making sure you're getting enough of those good heart healthy fat making sure you're getting quality and carbohydrates can give you more energy full for a longer. Of time so it's definitely worth looking at and finally guys I can't stress enough how important it is to actually enjoy the process of trying to eat better how it enjoy the food that you're eating and how you're making them aware you're getting them from he's at the end of the day if you want something to be a lifestyle change it has got to be sustainable and in order for anything to be sustainable we have to enjoy the process if you're treating the present moment like it's an obstacle to getting to your goal this create a ton of stress a ton of pressure and when we get to the goal if you can even get to it under that state is not enjoyable it's not the same table and it doesn't you know it's not a Bed of Roses like we hoped it was physically we need to find that path that feel good so that when we get to the gold kind of like the cherry on top of the cake if that makes sense to make changes in their diet and lifestyle please share this  with them so we can all do our part of kind of helping each other live the best life that we can. 

Simple Guidelines Clean Eating

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