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Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

How Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

How Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

how I lost weight  if I'm going to be completely honest I kind of put this  off because I know diet and nutrition can be a very controversial topic online first off I'm not dietitian and nutritionist I just literally used these tips that I must share with you and I lost weight I can't guarantee that I can work for you because everyone's body if you eat and somebody's just react differently all I know is that these tips to help me lose weight and that's all I can claim to know that let me just give you some stats about our last year in 2016 I would be heaviest ever was I was 120 lb in for my frame not really showed and now today in 2017 I am a hundred full year to lose the weight so please do not expect this to happen overnight it is a gradual process start on your next meal and don't look that so I'm going to run down the 10 tips that have contributed to my weight loss A lot of it is common sense but sometimes you just need a little refresher my first if you find healthy foods that you actually loved eating it's not realistic to have a salad for every single meal for the rest of your life it's just unattainable go out there and go on a food tour find the healthy food that you just freaking love eating and create a list so throughout the years I've learned that I love broccoli green beans mushrooms so who I can eat so much of that and never get sick of it don't force yourself to eat that dry kale salad

if you don't like dry kale and I don't go out of my way to eat healthy foods that I don't like for example I don't like you I don't like tomatoes and I don't force myself to eat healthy I just and it's really worked out well for me so go out there create a list and stick to it the second ship is very important it is to have no distractions while you're eating I know it's like second nature at this point to get your health food turn on the TV or laptop and just tune out and eat your brain takes around 20 minutes to realize that it's full and when you're not paying attention to your body you don't know when that time comes and I've noticed that whenever I watch something and I'm eating I tend to eat even more and even faster and a lot of times like I'm finished with my food but the show still going so all I go back and get second good times roll but if you want to lose weight you it's easier to know what your body is saying to you when everything is off I was trying to stop eating right when I get to The Sweet Spot and that is the spot where I'm not hungry anymore but I'm not like completely fool like it's not really nice in between and I feel like killing a Japanese have a word for it but I don't know like that's eating and that's really helped me maintain my figure and tricky believe me it's really hard to get that spot because it's so tempting to just until like just like I used to love being an easier to maintain my weight overindulging and overeating the next step is something that I've been using since college and it's to have smaller plates and bowls so if you look in our shelves you'll notice that we have two sizes we've got a normal big one for been a smaller one for me please nicknamed it the baby plate because it's just a little and yeah when I have a bigger plate I tend to want to over portion myself I want to cram and filled plate so with the smaller play I can still crammed all the food in but it's actually the perfect person for me number for is to get a water bottle I feel like drinking water as one of the most you are hydrated you're not really that hungry and for me I love having my sippy cup because this makes me drink so much water throughout the day and it's the Camelbak specifically through maybe three or four bottles of this a day and so I make sure that I'm very hydrated whenever you have a craving chances are you're just dehydrated or you're bored and so whatever I have like a hankering for some chips or like any sort of like a snack or something I will chug have and if I'm still hungry then I'll go but most of the time I drink it I'm completely fine and I can wait till my next meal I also should mention that I don't drink any juice or soda or like milk I only stick to water unsweetened tea black coffee and

like soda water that's pretty much it my favorite is koi so delicious it has zero calories and it just gives you that carbonated cake if you are missing it like this tip is to never skip any meals especially breakfast I feel like I have kind of program my body to do just like wake up hungry so I'm always always have breakfast like there's a reason why it's called the most important meal of the day it's because it kicks off in metabolism is that what I skipped like breakfast by the next meal I am so hungry I end up making really stupid few decisions so I'll just like end of overeating or or I'll order something I really gnarly like nachos or something it's easier to make mindful food choices when your body is not starving personally I only eat free some people like to have four to five smaller meals a day but for me it's just too much effort to think about that many meals to eat so I like to keep it simple breakfast lunch and dinner for my breakfast that's what I have most of my car for lunch or whatever but for dinner that's what I'm kind of the most strict when I was at like my most motivated to lose weight for dinner I would never have any refined carbohydrates so I wouldn't have any pasta I wouldn't have liked a fried rice dishes I would probably stick to like veggies and like a protein and that's it for dinner or breakfast really struggled with when I first moved back to LA in 2015 I was eating out at restaurants all the time and I was ordering Postmates all the time when you go to restaurants even if you order the healthy dish you don't know what the restaurants putting into it that you're there like a list of ingredients but you don't know how much butter they put you don't know how much oil they put where I'm at restaurants objective is to make the food taste as good as possible and keep you coming back and it's a business so it makes sense so that's why it's just easier to just cook your own meal you know exactly what you put in it and I know it's like easy to say like all I'm not a good cook I can't cook but you just need to cook 3 recipes learn how to make three healthy recipes and then you can build from there it's a just completely avoid restaurants the rest your life it's not going to happen so when I do eat out I like to have a balance so I have this rule called the to rule the other pick an appetizer and entree or an entree and dessert I'll never get all three or did you get all three it's like

a no such occasion but yeah you don't need all three don't need an appetizer entree and dessert that's just you know that's why you just need to intake when I was at my heaviest I was probably drinking maybe two or three times a week and it definitely showed there's a lot of empty calories in alcohol and the problem with me was I would always have Crunchies when I would come home drunk I would just open up my cupboard make a snack throat in microwave and I would just eat all of it soak up the alcohol and then go to sleep oh yeah it was like a vicious cycle obviously I still drink I like to go out and have a good time but I only drink once a week now if I'm going to drink more than once a week they don't only have one drink that's it and every time I go out I only have a vodka soda Crush line that is my fav I don't see any snaps that to me in my house because I'm kind of person wear if I have like potato fries I have to eat the back it's I'm just like in the house so I just like to cut the Temptation and not have any of it in my house if I really really want them then I'll have to get off my ass and go buy them but if they're not in the house then I'm not thinking about it so I know I've been driving a lot about food and diet so I'm going to talk about the next obvious thing which is exercise I like to exercise around three to five times a week and when I was training super hard I was going 5 times a week and that in combination with all the tips that I said like maybe really shred it like for the first 2 months like a lot of that wake him up because of those I know the ratio is something like 80% diet 20% Fitness but when you put the exercise in that 20% goes a long way and when horse has a lot of it just melts off so it's really important to find a form of exercise that you hate the least so whether it is kickboxing zlotys swimming running whatever for me it is to train a loan I love going to the gym by myself it's become my own little Sanctuary featuring my workouts are around 15 minutes long I am obsessed with this app on second I have talked about it in a preview do you like my little personal trainer so I like start off with 20 minutes of cardio I'll use my high intensity interval training workout so I'll be on the StairMaster for 5 minutes just walking normally and then I'll run on the StairMaster for 30 seconds and then I'll walk again for a minute and 30 seconds and then I'll run again for 30 seconds and I'll do this six times and then I'll cool off of 5 minutes of walking on the StairMaster and by the end of

this I am literally a drenched in sweat and now I'm ready for my stage name for my 30 minutes of strength training I won't get too into it but I like a playlist that work different parts of my body out so I have three full body workouts I have one for the waist one for the ABS and arm it all depends I feel like I'm just going to do a separate  on that work out because if I Incorporated that into this  I feel like it'd be way too long so be prepared for s in the future these days I only work out 3 times a week it's because I'm not trying to lose any weight I'm only trying to maintain the body I have right now I really happy with my way and I'm not trying to change anything on my notice that since I've been doing the strength training and weight it's an easier to just like keep my body the way it is my last trip is to find motivation that really resonates with you back in the day I feel like a lot of my weight loss inspiration was quite superficial it was just about like I want to be skinny for my birthday or I want to be skinny for Coachella once I found a deeper reason of why I wanted to be fit it has propelled me to stay in shape the reason why I exercise and I tried my best to stay in shape is or my mental health I've noticed that back in the day when I wasn't working out consistently I had a lot more breakdowns I had a lot of meltdowns and I was just very sensitive to stress now that I work out three to five times a week I don't really have that issue that much anymore like I'm not perfect but I am so much better than how I was last year some days I just wake up and I am just bummed but before I would just kind of be bombed in just let it be like a sad day now if I'm feeling sad I hit the gym because 95% of the time I come back after workout and I feel better but the most important person in my life and he lives with me and I hated Ben is generally a super positive person and having a bad attitude is just still contagious and I hated bringing him down and so I knew that this is something that I really needed to work on an exercise has helped me so much you'll find a reason that really sticks with you whether it's because you want to be stronger you want to be able to lift something whether you want to like run a marathon or you want to have interviews of yourself once you find Super Bowl it's easier to stick with it all right guys those are my top 10 tips on how I lost weight honestly the first month is the hardest I swear but once you pass out from there and then wants to start seem like physical change in your body cancer if you lose then it becomes easier if you'd like to leave any diet tips in the comment down below or words of encouragement I'd love to hear them I just want this to be like a positive place for people to talk about Fitness and Nutrition if there's something that you don't agree with me it would be awesome if you just said it in a constructive way as opposed to a way of just attacking me my point is not to shame people into losing weight it's just don't want to live a healthier lifestyle

 Lost Pounds Easy Diet Tips

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