Steps You Want to Lose Your Belly

Steps Want to Lose Your Belly
Run for 30 minutes a day and you'll soon see positive changes in your figure if it's too hard for you to run 30 minutes at the beginning you can walk and run running Burns two and a half times more calories than walking s swimming swim for at least 30 minutes two or three times a week choose the style and Pace you like the most important thing is to stay moving because any exercise in water help you lose weight 1 hour of intensive swimming can help you burn 500 calories the last option is cycling riding a bicycle is a basic exercise you can do if you want to lose weight do it two to three times a week at a comfortable Pace you can combine two of the three exercise for alternating whichever you prefer make sure you're comfortable doing it stage number 3 strengthen your abs cardio exercises like running swimming and cycling will help you lose extra weight but they won't make your belly absolutely flat you need a complex approach to help you lose weight while strengthening your muscles we have a few suggestions for you to try and help grab your exercise mat changed into your workout clothes and let's get started the vacuum is a great exercise here's how you doing lying on your back with your arms by your sides bend your knees with your feet a little wider apart breathe out all the air in your lungs and diaphragm breathe in and pull your abdominals in toward your spine hold your breath for 15 to 20 seconds let's do a quick dry run by doing this for 15 seconds ready go hold it hold it hold it 54321 and exhale repeat this 10 times three to four times a day and you'll notice that your waist has gotten smaller after a few weeks of plank is a simple but very effective exercise it's so simple that all you have to do is remain stationary for a few seconds here is how I get down in Forma push-up position then your elbows at 90 degrees and put
your weight on your forearms your shoulders must be aligned with your elbows to keep your body straight from head to toe hold that position for 30 seconds are you ready to try this is war thirty seconds 31 and girl aside from burning calories and making the app stronger it also improves posture and relieves back strain just a little more 5 4 3 2 1 + 1 do this two or three times a day for 30 seconds gradually increasing the duration do you feel the burn in your muscles now great will move on stage number for get muscle relief for the stage you'll perform two types of exercise crunches and leg raises. Crunches this exercise doesn't burn a lot of calories but it's strengthens your abdominal muscles will show you the right way to do it why flat on your back with your fingertips behind your ears do not put your hands around the back of your neck Point your elbows out to either side bend your knees with your feet a little wider apart lift your shoulder blades off the ground quickly exhale while you rise move back to the starting position inhale while you do this yet it now do this work 10 raps ready start what 2 3 4 pi 67 8 9 + 10 are you a pro or something you can increase the repetitions as you progressed do this once a day for a month for the best results these exercises will make your abon core stronger and strengthen your core will take pressure off your other muscle groups the last exercise for the day it is leg races this one is easy compared to crutches simply follow these steps lie on your back and put your hands on the floor for balance slowly raise your legs 10 to 15
Steps You Want to Lose Your Belly